Why You Buy

Written by Steve Gillman

Continued from page 1

Confirmation Bias

We tend to act economically in a way that confirms our current beliefs. When negotiating to buyrepparttar exact same model of Mecedes, for example, current owners, who presumably already believe inrepparttar 140891 value of a Mercedes, pay $7,000 more, on average, than new Mercedes customers. I'm sure you can imaginerepparttar 140892 value of this knowledge to companies that sell high-priced items.

Extremeness Aversion

People seem to instinctively avoid extremes, according to repparttar 140893 research. Given a choice of televisions costing $300, $500, and $700, for example, not many buyrepparttar 140894 $700 one. Add a $1200 television torepparttar 140895 choices, however, and more will then buyrepparttar 140896 $700 one, because it is no longerrepparttar 140897 most expensive one.

Inrepparttar 140898 information coming from these studies, you'll find much to help your sales and marketing efforts right now. You can also learn enough to protect yourself as a consumer. For more on behavioral economics, watch for "Why You Buy, Part Two."

Steve Gillman has been studying every aspect of money for thirty years. You can find more interesting and useful information on his website; http://www.Unusual Ways To Make Money.com

Ad Copy Secrets Of The Rich And Not So Famous

Written by Dan Brown

Continued from page 1

7. Include your own picture on your ad copy. This will show people that you're not hiding behind your ad copy and will increase their trust. Also, include your contact information belowrepparttar picture and a brief statement or quote.

8. Tell your potential customers on your ad copy that you will donate a percentage of their purchase price to specific charity. This will show them you really care aboutrepparttar 140799 people. They may just buy your product to donate torepparttar 140800 charity.

9. Ask your potential customers plenty of yes and no questions in your ad copy. The questions should remind them of their problem and make them think about what will happen if they don't purchase your product.

10. Tell your potential customers they will receive a free prize if they findrepparttar 140801 five words in your ad copy that are misspelled or spelled backwards. The longer you can keep someone reading your copyrepparttar 140802 greater chance of them purchasing.

Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with the Zabang search engine, introducing their new affiliate program which is due out July, 2005. http://www.zabangaffiliate.com/

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