Why Write Articles to Promote your Book?

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

Entice your ePublishers to say "yes, ePub" inrepparttar subject line back to you by offeringrepparttar 129103 benefit that it's straight to their email door and they will getrepparttar 129104 latest, up-to-the-minute information on your topic.

5. You receive global attention when other Web masters feature your articles because they will include a short bio, articles description and key words to helprepparttar 129105 search engines find you. Your rank inrepparttar 129106 search engines will go way up like mine to be one ofrepparttar 129107 top ten web sites in your field. .It's exciting to get a call from China or other countries wanting your book or service. All of this means more book sales, and you don't even have to leave your office. Your coach is now number three in google and 35 other search engines.

6. The more exposure your articles get,repparttar 129108 more you are perceived asrepparttar 129109 savvy expert, and when potential customers visit your web site, they are more likely to buy not just one book or service, but several.

7. You can recycle your articles over and over to get even more exposure and sales.. First, you can include your new article or tip in your own ezine you send out to potential customers. Tweak it a bit to submit torepparttar 129110 opt-in ezines and top web sites. Don't resubmit within one year it unless you make pertinent revisions. You can changerepparttar 129111 slant with another audience, or you can changerepparttar 129112 title, shorten or lengthen it.You can take a small amount of information out of one article and repackage it into a short tip. Ask your coachrepparttar 129113 best way to write a tip.

8. Your articles could attract authors in your field who need free material for their book. Debbie Allen, shameless promoter herself, who wrote "Confessions of Internet Promoters" took three of my how-to articles for her latest Internet marketing book. Now in it's 2nd printing my revised three articles will pull even more interest. As she promotes her book, she promotes these articles. This word of mouth buzz will bring even more new business.

9. Take advantage of your Online audience. Remember, people gorepparttar 129114 net to get free information. If you give that freely, they are more apt to become loyal customers.Remember also, that because other Web site owners and ezine publishers don't have time to only write their own articles, they are constantly looking for your how-to articles. You can be published in hundreds of them!

Article writing and submitting isrepparttar 129115 best book promotion effort so far. With over 105 circulatingrepparttar 129116 net, my web master makes them available by categories of Book Writing and Self-publishing, eBooks, Online Promotion, Web Marketing and Under 500 Words. People can just click and get any one article by autoresponder, so they get exactly what they want. Divide and conquer. Think ofrepparttar 129117 different categories you can offer. Make a list of them and getrepparttar 129118 word out!

Start writing short articles now, and see how great Online exposure brings you what you want and need for your business success.

Judy Cullins: 20-year author, speaker, book coach Helps entrepreneurs manifest their book and web dreams eBk: "Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online" http://www.bookcoaching.com To receive FREE "The Book Coach Says..." or Business Tip of the Month go to http://www.bookcoaching.com/opt-in.shtml Judy@bookcoaching.com Ph:619/466/0622


Written by Malcolm James Pugh

Continued from page 1
At everything I chose to tackle, Where fire had turned to embers, I soon seemed to make it crackle, So I thought myself invincible, Inviolate, towering and wise, Never sensing for an instant, Storm clouds gathering in my skies, Forrepparttar many words I had uttered, In order to give everything a boost, Were like homing pigeon post, And were coming home to roost, And in truth I cant remember, What I said on any given day, I just said what seemed appropriate, Got completely carried away, And though it all seemed justified, And almost noble atrepparttar 129101 time, Now its all come round full circle, And now its deemed a crime, Andrepparttar 129102 peculiar thing is now, When I need to be my most persuasive, My words ring empty cold and hollow, And my triumphant tone evasive, Though I thought that history, Would scribe my name in runes of fire, I will end up withrepparttar 129103 epitaph, Of having been a fool if not a liar.

ex systems programmer.

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