Why The Jews?Written by Martin Winer
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Jealousy of Jewish successes and wealth is another commonly offered explanation of anti-Semitism. As a scattered and shattered people, our choices of employment were few in Diaspora. Throughout middle ages, excluded from feudal and manorial systems, they were relegated to be artisans, traders and moneylenders. In a forced separation of Jews and secular world, Jews developed high intellectualism in study of Holy Torah, sole survivor of our former glory. This penchant for developing intellectualism in isolation is, at once, our strongest and weakest characteristic. Nonetheless, Jews developed economically valued skills by virtue of our intellectualism and our forced experiences as moneylenders. This accounts for our disproportionate contributions and participation in lucrative economic realms. Finally, we deal with anti-Semitic accusations that Jews are of a 'lesser' race. This is best exemplified by Hitler's use of Hegel's precepts of euthanasia. Hegel mutated Darwin's work to allow for application of 'natural selection' to human populations. This pseudo-scientific theory allowed Jews to be viewed as 'less fit' than other races, and horrors of Second World War that followed. To any rational being, any such race based attacks fail immediately, since Jews are a people encompassing many races. However, purpose of anti-Semitism is to allow for a scapegoat people. In order to do that, humans must circumvent their natural empathy for fellow humans, by reducing them in status. Thus it is necessary to see Jews as a lesser race in order to make way for blaming them for any conceivable need. Thus when it comes to categorizing a people, it is necessity, rather than logic, that is mother of invention. Another cause for anti-Semitism, not commonly discussed, is historical disadvantage. As far as labels go, they tend to stick. If "all world is a stage" as Bard suggests, then Jews are typecast as underdog. This suggests that were we able to remove all multi-causal causes of anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism would persist due to a deep-seated societal need for underdogs, with Jews as long favoured choice. It will always be possible to find reasons to hate underdog as long as need for underdog exists. Thus, only solution to anti-Semitism is to eliminate societal need for an underdog. How does one eliminate need for an underdog? I leave you to privacy of your own thoughts where answer resides.

Martin Winer is a Jewish author interested in social issues. By day, he's a Computer Scientist, developing http://www.rankyouragent.com/
| | GOD AND THE FALL OF THE BERLIN WALLWritten by Irvin L. Rozier
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I went to sleep in that big old bed around 10:00 PM and around 11:30 PM I was awakened by sound of music. A band downstairs was playing and singing a gospel song, "I Saw Light". The Lord spoke to me and said, "I have a mission for you to do." I dressed, went outside, got in my car, and drove to a secluded part of island. I began to pray and seek Lord for my purpose of being there. Suddenly, oppression of people in USSR came to me in a vision. The hair of my flesh stood up, and I sensed a great darkness, an evil beyond words to describe. I began to intercede in prayer for people in USSR and to plead blood of Jesus. After about 30 minutes of this spiritual warfare, I felt presence of Lord as a great peace flooded my entire being. The Lord spoke to me and said, "Mission accomplished, you can go back to motel." I did, and enjoyed a blissful sleep and rest of my visit there. Shortly after this, USSR dissolved. Now comes that August day when Lord had me praying all that night. I began to have visions...I saw soldiers killed in wars, children screaming in fear, Jews being loaded into railroad cars, smokestacks billowing foul black smoke as Jews were being burned in furnaces of concentration camps. I heard cries of terror and fear. An evil so deep enveloped me and all I could do was call upon name of Jesus. The vision of evil I had went back into time--I saw slaves being whipped, people being thrown from their lands by legions of soldiers, and Christians being burned and beheaded. The evil was so deep that hair of my flesh stood up all night. I began to march, just like Israelites did when walls of Jericho fell. I marched, prayed, and pleaded precious blood of Jesus. I rebuked evil forces in Jesus' name. By dawn, I was exhausted yet evil was still there. Victory had not yet come. I continued to pray and around 3:33 PM that Sunday evening, I felt burden removed and shouted with joy as peace of God that passes all understanding washed through me. The Lord spoke and said, "Mission accomplished. Well done, thy good and faithful servant." Not many months later, Berlin wall fell. Ephesians 6.12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Many of you who read these words will understand what I have described---some won't. The Lord used me in these mighty spiritual battles to help millions of His own who had been crying out to Him. Since these experiences, Lord has used me in other great ways. I am a soldier in His Army. His eyes run to and fro throughout earth to show himself strong in behalf of those who have faith and believe in Him. 2 Corinthians 10 verse 4 "(For weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to pulling down of strongholds:)" Irvin L. Rozier, author of My Walk with Lord, www.selahbooks.com

author, preacher, retired military