Why Small Businesses Fail

Written by Stuart A. Billings

Continued from page 1

Onrepparttar Upside

It's true that there are many reasons not to start your own business. But forrepparttar 136070 right person,repparttar 136071 advantages of business ownership far outweighrepparttar 136072 risks.

You will be your own boss. Hard work and long hours directly benefit you, rather than increasing profits for someone else. Earning and growth potential are far greater.

A new venture is as exciting as it is risky. Running a business provides endless challenge and opportunities for learning.

Stuart Billings is a small business owner, author and investor. Find out more about starting a business at http://www.free-business-resources.com.

The Ratings are Coming!

Written by Bob Nicholson

Continued from page 1

The ratings phenomena may not have reached your industry or your community, but it probably will. So what can you do about it?

First, be aware of ratings sites. Use a search engine to look for rating sites in your area and business. (Search for things like landscaper ratings in Pittsburgh or hair salon reviews in Sacramento.) You may find that your business is already listed on a rating site. If it is, make sure thatrepparttar basic listing information (business name, location, website) is correct, and if not, contactrepparttar 136069 site operator. If your business is not listed, see if there is a way to add your listing. Do not pay for this service! Legitimate rating sites are not supported byrepparttar 136070 businesses being rated! (However, a few sites offer enhanced "listings" for a small fee. Consider paying for this isrepparttar 136071 site seems to be well run and have a lot of traffic.)

Checkrepparttar 136072 rating sites regularly. You might actually get some good information on how customers see your business, and where you need to make improvements.

Encourage your patrons to rate your business. Satisfied customers will give you good ratings. (Don't try to "flood" a rating site with bogus reviews; many of these sites use algorithms to detectrepparttar 136073 source of ratings, and may even remove businesses that try to cheat.)

If you get a bad review, there's probably not much you can do about it. The rating and review sites are on pretty solid legal ground, and most will not remove bad reviews. However, some sites have a mechanism for responding to a review, so be sure to ask about this. If nothing else, you can submit your own review and calmly refuterepparttar 136074 complaints of other reviewers. Be careful to stay calm and professional, and not get into online debates that can damage your credibility.

Inrepparttar 136075 end, business success is still based on word of mouth - but now more people are listening.

Bob Nicholson / WYGK Consulting provides business, technology and strategic consulting for small businesses, internet start-ups and entrepreneurs.

Visit http://www.wygk.com

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