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Many people during service decided to follow God and repented from their sins, Praise God. First service took 2 hrs 40 min. and second was 2 hrs 20 min.
It was an experience to many there to have a Christian Music Team go there and Praise God with them.
The Praise Team of Egypt truly thanked Lord for all what He has done. Though they were so tired and exhausted. After service they were meeting with individuals,praying with others for another 90 min.
They hit road right after 2 meetings (and after loading instruments on vehicle) at midnight and reached each to their homes at around 5:30am on Saturday as around 6 out of 20 members had to go to their work and universities on Saturday morning.
It was another great experience praising Lord as a team. Praise God, he deserves all praise, it is we who do not really deserve to praise Him.
The Praise Team is still on decision as to try how to best reach as many places outside Cairo as possible for same reason we shared with me in March.
They are still on their promise with MP3 page that everybody loves to listen to.
Do not forget also to lift a prayer for Praise Team ministering in Egypt, They do NEED IT.
Have a great time praising Lord. God Bless You.
Much Love to all,
Sin'g'cerely, Cairo EgyptPraise Team
"Let everything that has breath praise The Lord" Psalms 150:5 Planting Praise in Egypt and Arab World Since 1982
Independent Homebase Writer, Researcher & MISSIONS