Continued from page 1
Once you have added all
keywords in
right pane which are applicable for your site, click on
next keyword in
left pane which is applicable for your site. Once again, WordTracker will display a list of keywords in
right pane which contain
keyword you had clicked on in
left pane. Again, copy
keywords in
right pane which are applicable for your site and paste them in
first column of your spreadsheet. Also, copy
figures present in
Count column and paste them in
second column beside
corresponding keywords. Repeat this process for each of
keywords in
left pane.
Step 5: Once you have finished with all
keywords in
left pane, press your browser's Back button a number of times until WordTracker again displays
text box which asks you to type in a keyword. Type in
second keyword in your original list (i.e. "travel to Australia"), click on
"Proceed >>" button and repeat Step 4. Do this for each of
keywords that you developed in Step 1.
Step 6: Go to AltaVista. Search for
first keyword that is present in your spreadsheet using exact match search (i.e. you should wrap
keyword in quotes, i.e. you should type a quotation mark before typing
keyword and a quotation mark after typing it). AltaVista will return
number of sites which are relevant to that keyword. Add this number to
third column of
spreadsheet in
same row in which
keyword is present. Repeat this process for each of
keywords present in your spreadsheet. Once you have done that, your first column will contain
keywords, your second column will show
popularity of
keywords and your third column will contain
number of sites you are competing against to get a high ranking for those keywords.
Now it's time to calculate
Step 7: The Keyword Effectiveness Index is
square of
popularity of a keyword multiplied by 1000 and divided by
number of sites which appear in AltaVista for that keyword. It is designed to measure which keywords are worth optimizing your site for. Higher
KEI, better
keyword. How
formula for
KEI is arrived at is beyond
scope of this article. If you want to know, send a blank email to
If you had used
spreadsheet file that I created for you (see Step 2), you won't need to enter
formula for calculating
KEI yourself. The KEI would be automatically calculated for you
moment you enter
values in columns 2 and 3. You can go straight to Step 8.
In case you didn't download
file, here's how you can calculate
I am assuming that you have created
spreadsheet columns in
way I recommended in Step 3 and that you are using Microsoft Excel. If you using some other spreadsheet program, you will need to adjust
formula to
requirements of your spreadsheet program. Click on cell D2. Type in
following exactly as it is shown:
Then click on
Copy button to copy
formula, select all
cells in column 4 which have keywords associated with them and press
Paste button to paste
formula. The KEI for each keyword will be displayed.
Step 8: Use your spreadsheet program's Sort feature to sort
rows in descending order of
KEI. In Excel 97, you would click on
Data menu, click on
Sort menu item, choose KEI from
drop-down combo box named "Sort by", click on
"Descending" option next to it, and then click on OK.
And guess what - that's it! You now know
keywords which you should optimize your site for. You can now start optimizing your site one by one for each keyword, starting with
keyword with
highest KEI. Exactly how many of
keywords you choose to optimize your site for largely depends on
amount of time that you can spare from your normal business activities. But whatever
number of keywords that you target, it obviously makes sense to go for
most effective keywords first.
Tying up
loose ends:
The number of related keywords that WordTracker displays in
trial version is limited. In order to get all
keywords which are related to
keywords you had developed in Step 1, you would need to subscribe to WordTracker's paid service. We highly recommend that you do subscribe to WordTracker's paid service as otherwise, you will miss out on a lot of keywords that can prove to be extremely valuable to you.

rticle by Sumantra Roy. Sumantra is one of the most respected search engine positioning specialists on the Internet. To have Sumantra's company place your site at the top of the search engines, go to For more advice on how you can take your web site to the top of the search engines, subscribe to his FREE newsletter by going to