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Viral Marketing is any type of marketing that encourages people to spread your marketing message around for you.
Think about this - it sure would be great if people advertised your product for you, wouldn't it? It beats
heck out of paying for advertising.
Here's a viral marketing story for you:
When I started
e-book marketing craze back in 1995 with
release of "Search Engine Tactics," I promoted
book with a very simple viral marketing scheme.
Here's what I did:
I put a note in
book itself that everyone was granted permission to give away or even sell
book on their sites. They would benefit by giving something of value to their visitors - I would benefit by advertising products in
book. The people that they gave it to saw
note in
book, and they gave it away on their sites - and so on...
So, did this work? You be
a. The e-book was downloaded over 1,000,000 times when we last counted in 1998.
b. The e-book was noted by ZDNet as one of
top downloads of 1999, and is
only e-book ever to be given 5 Stars by ZDNet.
c. Experts have since written entire books about my little ploy showing people how, they too, can unleash
viral power of free e-books as traffic builders.
The point? Well, one simple viral marketing tactic put my name on
map. Granted, it was an unusually successful virus, but this was just one simple tactic...
People are still giving this book away on their sites today, and I haven't done anything to promote it in years.
High traffic sites are always looking for new ways to spread their message virally.
3. They Turn Traffic into More Traffic
This is where most people blow it. Allow me to explain...
Whenever I consult for businesses I always teach my "Internet Marketing Battle Plan" concept and use that as
basis for everything we do. This lays
groundwork for
best marketing possible. (Side Note: I very rarely do any consulting anymore - and usually only as a favor to close friends. I just don't have time for it - I love it, but my own Internet business is too lucrative to spend time doing anything else.)
The Internet Marketing Battle Plan is a cohesive system consisting of 5 unique tactics that represent each step of
Internet Marketing Process. All successful Internet Marketing I have encountered follows one form or another of this plan.
Step 4 is: "A Tactic for Getting People to Come Back to Your Site."
If you're selling a product on your site, remember that most sales are not closed
first time someone hears about a product. Obviously, getting people to come back will greatly increase your chances of closing a sale.
If you're selling advertising on your site, clearly getting initial traffic to come back over and over again will snowball your traffic.
There are thousands of ways to do this, but you always need to have:
a. An incentive for getting them to come back.
For example, at site, we entice readers to come back by offering free marketing advice each week from world-leading experts. This incentive needs to be truly valuable or it won't work.
If we offered misguided advice from self-proclaimed experts, it would not be nearly
same incentive. Instead, we offer battle tested advice from undisputed world-leading experts like Jay Conrad Levinson, Brian Tracy, Joe Sugarman, Ted Nicholas... If we didn't offer our readers value each time, they just wouldn't come back!
b. A method of informing them of
For example, sign up for our newsletter and we inform you whenever this new information is available. You come back and this starts
cycle again.
Can you think of other ways to inform people about your incentives? Use your imagination.
High traffic websites always keep people coming back for more.
You now have
plan - it's up to you to put it into action. Work on all three of these secrets every single day and I assure you that your traffic will increase dramatically.

Mark Joyner is the CEO of To quickly and easily start using free viral traffic building as he recommends in this article, we recommend StartBlaze.