Why Researching Your Market Can Pay Big Dividends

Written by Noel Peebles

Continued from page 1

Here are some briefing guidelines -

1. Clearly staterepparttar research objectives. What is it that you want to know?

2. Supply background information. What isrepparttar 106505 history ofrepparttar 106506 market? Definerepparttar 106507 problem to be solved orrepparttar 106508 reason forrepparttar 106509 research. 3. Set action standards forrepparttar 106510 research. What decision will you take once you have repparttar 106511 answers? For example - "We will use this research to help us target our advertising more effectively."

4. Decide who it is you are researching. eg. Former customers, existing customers, people living in a certain suburb, people of a certain age group or whatever. How would you definerepparttar 106512 group?

5. Decide what information you are seeking. Consideringrepparttar 106513 set objectives, what areas need to be investigated?

6. How about timing? Does anything need to be taken into consideration regardingrepparttar 106514 timing of repparttar 106515 research? For example,repparttar 106516 results might differ before and after an advertising campaign.

When arerepparttar 106517 research findings needed by? Are there any information priorities?

7. Consider what research method would best suit your needs and budget. There is no point in usingrepparttar 106518 cheapest method of researchingrepparttar 106519 market if it fails give you accurate results. For example, a written questionnaire sent out with your accounts is likely to generate a different response than might be expected from a focus group.

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Dr. Phil McGraw Interrogates Arthur Andersen LLP

Written by Laurel Delaney

Continued from page 1
employee yet get fired because you expose thatrepparttar chief operating officer is an alcoholic. You could have kept your mouth shut and maintained your job but something inside you kept saying, "I cannot stand another day of this abuse," and you act on it. Others, inrepparttar 106504 same position might hang on with tight-lip for fear of losing their job. Who is to say whose reaction is right or wrong? Or, perhaps you are CFO of a publicly-traded company and are fully aware thatrepparttar 106505 company's sales projections are inflated. You do your best to navigate your way through it. You start complaining and pretty soon you can't stop. Out you go -- voluntary or involuntary. Mistake? How can one judge until afterrepparttar 106506 fact? Or,repparttar 106507 value of your stock options is tied to how much you sell forrepparttar 106508 company. Ever thought about pushing repparttar 106509 envelope to fabricate sales? Some do, some don't. Where do you drawrepparttar 106510 line? Time to pause for a moment and ask yourself that very same question. If you don't, Dr. Phil will.

You should hold firmly to your values, integrity and morals. If you can't, then walk. If you decide to stay, as inrepparttar 106511 case of Andersen employees, then be prepared to risk it all. At some point, you will have to come clean, admit mistakes and barerepparttar 106512 consequences.

Bankruptcy offers one possible solution torepparttar 106513 Andersen problem. This might make it simpler for one ofrepparttar 106514 other Big Four to acquire its business. It seems only natural that anti-trust concerns might be waived inrepparttar 106515 event of a bankruptcy. So if Andersen declares bankruptcy, which they have indicated they have no plans to do so, this might pre-empt any regulatory concern about anti-competitive mergers.

I look at it this way. If actor Tim Allen can serve time in prison and later come back to churn out a best-selling book and televison show, then Arthur Andersen can surely survive overrepparttar 106516 long haul. And Dr. Phil McGraw might add, "Now, you are getting real."

Laurel Delaney runs a global marketing, consulting and web content providing company aimed at entrepreneurs and small businesses. She can be reached at ldelaney@globetrade.com or visit http://www.globetrade.com

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