Why Pay Attention To Your Intuition?

Written by Sonia Choquette

Continued from page 1

Intuition is and is waiting to be awakened in all people. In order to tap into it all you must do is to make four important decisions. The first decision is to be open to intuition. Being open to hearingrepparttar voice of your inner teacher is like turningrepparttar 128816 radio to you spirit "on".

The second decision is to expect intuition to guide you. When you enter into a state of expectation, you create a magnet that draws intuition into your awareness. The third decision is to trust you intuition when it does show up. One way to do this is to get a small pocket notebook and record every single intuitive feeling that you have overrepparttar 128817 next two weeks without censoring. If you do this, what you will have is evidence that intuition can be trusted. And finally,repparttar 128818 fourth and most important decision is to act on your intuition. Learn to do this by playfully inviting your intuition to guide you, beginning with "where are my keys? And leading up to "What is my purpose in life?"

If you make these four decisions; be open, expect, trust, and act on your intuition, you will transform a life fromrepparttar 128819 ordinary "me againstrepparttar 128820 world" into one that is extraordinary - "me, a spiritual being, -here to lovingly create and contribute with divine support." This isrepparttar 128821 natural way, and as it should be.

Sonia Choquette is a world-renowned revolutionary psychic, intuitive and spiritual teacher. She specializes in leading others out ofrepparttar 128822 dark ages and intorepparttar 128823 21st century by helping others recognize that we are all endowed with a sixth sense that we can count on and need to activate in order to succed in our lives. She isrepparttar 128824 best-selling author of seven books: newest book - Diary Of A Psychic (Hay House July 2003), The Psychic Pathway (Three Rivers Press), Your Heart's Desire (Three Rivers Press), The Wise Child (Three Rivers Press), True Balance (Three Rivers Press), Your Psychic Pathway to New Beginnings (Clarkson Potter/ Publishers, July 2002), Your Psychic Pathway to Joy (Clarkson Potter Publishers, July 2002) and numerous audio editions. Highly trained inrepparttar 128825 psychic arts and metaphsyical law, Sonia has extensive background and is educated inrepparttar 128826 mysticism of East and West and was educated atrepparttar 128827 University of Denver and atrepparttar 128828 Sorbonne in Paris, and holds a Ph.D. in Metaphysics.

Sonia Choquette is a world-renowned revolutionary psychic, intuitive and spiritual teacher. Click here to find out more about Sonia Choquette

You Are Being Watched

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Life & EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

Only a discussion about what’s going on can get us inside one another’s mind and heart. Inrepparttar heat ofrepparttar 128814 moment, such a discussion may have to be postponed, but for good relationships and learning, it does need to take place. The feelings need to be addressed, andrepparttar 128815 often-misinterpreted nonverbal displays untangled.


If you want to model good deeds for your child, and make a cake to bring to an ailing neighbor, be sure you address all parts ofrepparttar 128816 action, e.g., make sure you’re teaching what you mean to be teaching. This is Intentionality, an EQ competency. If you performrepparttar 128817 act begrudgingly, as some sort of onerous “duty,” throwingrepparttar 128818 ingredients together and complainingrepparttar 128819 whole time about how overworked you are, you will have defeated your deeper purpose. Unless you mean to teach that life is about detrimental self-sacrifice and suffering.

If onrepparttar 128820 other hand, you happily makerepparttar 128821 cake and dance outrepparttar 128822 door to deliver it, your child may missrepparttar 128823 point that sometimes helping others may require some inconvenience on one’s own part.

Many things we do contain ambiguity,repparttar 128824 hardest thing for kids to figure out. ‘Does Mom like what she’s doing, or doesn’t she?’ Emotions are complex and so are our motives. We need instruction in their management. I recall telling my niece, “No I don’t like to clean toilets. However, I likerepparttar 128825 feeling I get whenrepparttar 128826 house is clean.”


Inrepparttar 128827 workplace, if you cheerfully take on extra assignments, you put yourself at-risk for being taken advantage of. If you’re putting forth extra effort, you don’t need to wear a hair-shirt about it, but if you don’t point out what you’re doing, it can and will be used against you. Typical boss mentality dictates “Sheila never complains, so she’s OK. Fred complains allrepparttar 128828 time. Therefore I’ll give Fred a raise.”


One ofrepparttar 128829 EQ competencies is emotional expression. However, EQ isn’t only about emotions, it’s aboutrepparttar 128830 interface between thinking and feeling. We always need to explain ourselves to others, our “self” including both actions and feelings. Therefore we use our intellect to explain our emotions. Good relationships require letting others know how you’re feeling right away, alerting them immediately if they’re off-course. It requires explaining “that look on your face.”

Martha was having trouble at work. She was told in her performance review that no one liked to work with her. In coaching, she discovered that when she was focused, she had a look on her face that was misinterpreted as anger. When she became aware ofrepparttar 128831 effect she was having on others, she learned to modify her nonverbal behavior, i.e., to stop and smile when concentrating, and explain, so others would not be off-put.


Whatever you’re doing, knowrepparttar 128832 effect you’re having on others. Check it out!

The above-mentioned piece ends with “How will you touchrepparttar 128833 life of someone today?” The adult task is to care, know, and check it out. Be sure you’re touchingrepparttar 128834 lives of others todayrepparttar 128835 way you mean to. It’srepparttar 128836 emotionally intelligent way.

©Susan Dunn, MA, Life & EQ Coach, http://www.susandunn.cc . She offers individual coaching, Internet courses and ebooks for your personal and professional development and helps people develop their emotional intelligence. She trains and certifies EQ coaches. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for FREE ezine and more information. Visit the best ebook library on the Internet, http://www.webstrategies.cc/ebooklibrary.html .

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