Why Passenger Surveys are a Transport Operators Best Friend

Written by Martin Day

Continued from page 1

Passengers will always be more positive if they can see that improvements have been made and more accepting of outstanding problems if they know that those problems are being addressed.

Keeping Moral

Those implementing change can often develop a siege mentality. Change can take time to take effect and forrepparttar passengers to appreciate any improvement.

By monitoring passenger opinion and measuringrepparttar 134012 results against earlier surveys a successful change programme should see passenger issues change over time, some issues that were problems will no longer be raised.

Passengers will take time to appreciate progress and often those working on a change project will be demoralised with constant criticism from what is often a negative public. It is important that a team implementing change can see clearlyrepparttar 134013 effects of their efforts.

Identifying New and Old

In any long term change management programme issues can change over time. Events can happen that make what was important, no longer important and what wasn’t an issue, an issue.

The baseline survey will ensure thatrepparttar 134014 passengers concerns are chronologically documented. Passengers are themselves an evolving group, individual travel arrangements change, fashion changes, life styles develop along with technology. Periodic surveys will allow changes in passenger attitudes to be monitored.

Online Surveys Make It Easy

Online surveys can reach a broad cross section of any travelling public. They are quick to design and implement and they provide feedback in a format that is ready for detailed analysis. The low cost and flexibility of online surveys allows passenger concern to be targeted at specific groups and particular concerns.

Online surveys provide operators with important market research data as well as a platform to promote and advertise their commitment to passenger satisfaction.

Passengers benefit by having an effective channel to raise issues and through periodic surveys will begin to appreciate thatrepparttar 134015 operator is continually investing and improvingrepparttar 134016 service.The following are links to samples of Passenger Surveys

Sample Passenger Survey for an AirlineSample


Passenger Survey for a Train Operator


Sample Passenger Survey for a Bus Operator


Martin Day is a director of Survey Galaxy for more information please visit http://www.SurveyGalaxy.com

The perfect date on the Central Coast of California

Written by Dan K. O'Leary

Continued from page 1

Planning your first date A wise man once said, “Don’t reinventrepparttar wheel.” So listen up my aspiring Casanova, and you too will be rolling in no time. First of all- if you were planning dinner and a movie tear up that worn out idea and get over that tired old fallback. Take a moment to look outside. We live in paradise people! You are constantly surrounded by awe inspiring vistas, sandy beaches, and a majestic blue sky.

With that in mind, whenever I think of a perfect date, I imagine a Saturday afternoon in Pismo Beach. All you gentlemen should plan on staringrepparttar 134011 day at Pismo Beach florist, and purchase a single rose. It shows that you aren’t afraid to give, but you also aren’t out to buy their love. Pick up your date and head over torepparttar 134012 Steaming Bean, and order up a pair of mocha lattes. Mention that Daniel K. O’Leary from VirtualSLO sent you, and take a seat at my regular table. After chatting over your frothy beverages, talk a stroll down torepparttar 134013 shore, and sit and listen torepparttar 134014 surf crash. The rest is up to you. Total Cost- $12.

Keeping it lively “I’m bored” are three words you should eliminate from your vocabulary when it comes torepparttar 134015 SLO life. There is a reason millions of tourists descend upon or community every year, and you need to understand why.

You can eat at a new restaurant every week, and not repeat for over a decade. You can go to a new beach every weekend for an entire year. Whether you want to bike, listen to classical music, or make your own wine,repparttar 134016 options onrepparttar 134017 central coast are as limitless as your imagination. I’m fairly unoriginal, so I cheat and look atrepparttar 134018 events calendar on VirtualSLO to keep abreast of what is happening duringrepparttar 134019 next week. Go see a show atrepparttar 134020 PAC, take a wine tour, or go bird watching. In my personal experience, I’ve been on more dates than I can remember, and I’ve yet to repeat.

So good luck meetingrepparttar 134021 right person, and in case someone introduces themselves as Daniel K. O’Learyrepparttar 134022 next time you are downtown, run. You probably wouldn’t want to date me anyways. If you would like some personal advice, send me an e-mail and I’ll see what I can do.

Daniel K. O’Leary is the publisher of www.dankoleary.com

As a young Casanova, Dan’s become rather infamous for his relationship experience. On his website, women actually apply to date him. If want to know what he is doing right, stop by and join the mailing list to receive exclusive content from his upcoming book.

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