Why PR is an Engine for Economic Growth

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Continued from page 1

The job now is to selectrepparttar specific perception to be altered which then becomes your public relations goal. You obviously want to correct those untruths, inaccuracies, misconceptions or false assumptions.

One ofrepparttar 103848 painful aspects ofrepparttar 103849 whole drill is that a PR goal without a strategy to show you how to get there, is like a three-bean salad withoutrepparttar 103850 beans. So, as you select one of three strategies (especially constructed to create perception or opinion where there may be none, or change or reinforce it,) what you want to do is insure thatrepparttar 103851 goal and its strategy match each other. You wouldn’t want to select “change existing perception” when current perception is just right suggesting that “reinforce” strategy.

The moment has come when you must create a compelling message carefully constructed to alter your key target audience’s perception, as specified by your public relations goal.

Keep in mind that you can always combine your corrective message with another news announcement or presentation which may give it more credibility by downplayingrepparttar 103852 apparent need for such a correction.

The content ofrepparttar 103853 message must be compelling and quite clear about what perception needs clarification or correction, and why. Of course you must be truthful and your position logically explained and believable if it is to holdrepparttar 103854 attention of members of that target audience, and actually move perception in your direction.

Some allude torepparttar 103855 communications tactics necessary to move your message torepparttar 103856 attention of that key external audience, as “beasts of burden” because they must carry your persuasive new thoughts torepparttar 103857 eyes and ears of those important outside people.

Actually, we have a wide choice becauserepparttar 103858 list of tactics is long indeed. It includes letters-to-the-editor, brochures, press releases and speeches. Or, you might choose radio and newspaper interviews, personal contacts, facility tours or customer briefings. There are scores available andrepparttar 103859 only selection requirement is thatrepparttar 103860 communications tactics you choose have a record of reaching people just likerepparttar 103861 members of your key target audience.

Of course, things can always be accelerated by adding more communications tactics, AND by increasing their frequencies.

It won’t be long before those around you will be asking about progress. But you will already be hard at work remonitoring perceptions among your target audience members to testrepparttar 103862 effectiveness of your communications tactics. Using questions similar to those used during your earlier monitoring session, you’ll now become beady-eyed looking for signs that audience perceptions are beginning to move in your general direction.

Yes, performed in this manner, public relations obviously does feedrepparttar 103863 engine of YOUR economic growth and, thus, that ofrepparttar 103864 nation at large.

But do keep your eye onrepparttar 103865 core of this approach: persuade your most important outside audiences withrepparttar 103866 greatest impacts on your organization to your way of thinking. Then move them to take actions that help your department, division or subsidiary prevail.


Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. mailto:bobkelly@TNI.net Visit:http://www.prcommentary.com

Banish Those Bookkeeping Blues!

Written by Tracey Lawton

Continued from page 1

Receipts - Unpaid -- this section is for all your invoices that you have sent to clients that have not yet been paid. Write onrepparttar top date payment is due and put them in date order so that it's easier if you have to chase overdue invoices.

Receipts - Paid -- this section is for all your invoices that have been paid. Write onrepparttar 103847 toprepparttar 103848 date it was paid and how it was paid i.e. bank transfer, cheque, credit card etc.

Bank Statements -- this section is self-explanatory! Just keep everything in date order.

Schedule It In Now that you've got your system in place, schedule in each week/month to keep your bookkeeping binder up-to-date. In between updating place all your receipts and invoices in a plastic folder so that everything is together when you come to update your system--it would be too time-consuming to add each receipt as you get it!

What Next? Depending on how far you want to handle your own accounts, you can either hand your very organised bookkeeping binder over to your accountant atrepparttar 103849 end ofrepparttar 103850 financial year for them to prepare your final accounts, or you can maintain your own books withrepparttar 103851 use of financial accounting software.

Either way, you've now got a bookkeeping system that is simple and easy-to-manage and won't cause you to break out into a cold sweat atrepparttar 103852 very mention ofrepparttar 103853 words 'tax return'.

Don't want to do it yourself? Let me help you! Contact me today to find out more about my budgeting and bookkeeping services.

Tracey Lawton, Virtual Office Manager, supports small businesses and independent consultants with their office administration and audio transcription projects. She has over 18 years office management and administration experience for both public and private sector organisations, as well as independent consultants and professionals. http://www.traceylawton.com Subscribe: http://www.traceylawton.com/tips.htm

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