Why Most Diets Fail

Written by Nathan Latvaitis

Continued from page 1

Now here’srepparttar kicker. Since my body is not going to want to keep using up its fat stores, it is going to adapt by lowering how many calories my body needs per day to keep itself running (RMR). One ofrepparttar 131266 main ways it accomplishes this is by eating away at it’s own muscle. Instead of requiring 2500 calories a day to keep my body running, my body will eventually adapt over a period of time and only require 1000 calories to keep running. Back when our ancestors lived they needed this calorie adaptation to survive when food was short and they were starving. The trouble is,repparttar 131267 body cannot tellrepparttar 131268 difference between starvation and dieting. Now that my body’s RMR has adjusted torepparttar 131269 new number of calories that I’m are eating, it no longer needs to use its emergency fat stores to keep itself alive. This is when your fat loss stops from a diet. In addition to this, if I decide that I want to go off of my 1000 calories a day diet and begin to eat 2500 calories a day again then there is a calorie surplus. The body does not need these extra calories so it will store them as fat. The exception to storing them as fat is whenrepparttar 131270 body needs to build muscle because it has been exposed to some type of exercise or weight lifting, and even then all ofrepparttar 131271 calories are not used for muscle growth.

Now that I have changed my RMR to 1000 calories per day, I have really wrecked my metabolism and it’s going to be harder to get to my goal of actually losing fat. That is, unless of course If I want to stay on my diet forever.

So what isrepparttar 131272 best way to lose fat without messing up my metabolism (RMR)?

A calorie deficit is required to lose weight, but eating less is notrepparttar 131273 only way to create a calorie deficit. Another safer way is to exercise. More detail can be found on this in Tom Venuto’s book “Burnrepparttar 131274 Fat, Feedrepparttar 131275 Muscle”, which is located at http://www.weight-loss-resources.com. You can also calculate your RMR at http://www.weight-loss-resources.com/calculators/rmr.html

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice from you’re a physician or your health care provider.

Nathan Latvaitis: An avid fitness researcher - helping other people realize their goals through knowledge. Nathan runs a fitness website at http://www.weight-loss-resources.com where you can find more fitness tips, articles, calculators, reviews, a message board, and more

Weight Loss Surgery: A Last Resort

Written by Jamie Clark

Continued from page 1

Some ofrepparttar risks associated with weight loss surgery include:

Death - According torepparttar 131264 Mayo Clinic, about one in 200 to 300 people who has gastric bypass surgery dies fromrepparttar 131265 procedure.

Post-surgery complications - Some weight loss surgery patients experience severe complications such as internal bleeding, infections, and blood clots. Others have to undergo follow-up procedures to correct complications such as abdominal hernias.

Gallstones - More than a third of patients develop gallstones as a result of losing large amounts of bodyweight following a weight loss surgery procedure.

Nutrient deficiencies - Some weight loss surgeries disruptrepparttar 131266 digestion process. Without careful dietary supplementation this can lead to deficiencies in many important nutrients, especially vitamins B12 and D, iron, calcium, and folate.

Anyone considering weight loss surgery needs to weighrepparttar 131267 risks againstrepparttar 131268 benefits. They also need to realize that these extreme procedures are not cosmetic. Most patients only end up losing about 30% of their bodyweight and remain overweight for life. Simply put, weight loss surgery alone will not make you thin and beautiful. Yes, if you are extremely overweight, it may provide tremendous health benefits. But if you're just looking for a way to get thin withoutrepparttar 131269 "hassles" of healthy diet and regular exercise you better think again.

Jamie Clark is editor of fitFAQ.com, one of the Web's top fitness information sites. Learn more about healthy weight loss option by visiting http://www.fitfaq.com.

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