“Why Hire a Security Consultant”

Written by Gary L. Cunningham, C.P.O.

Continued from page 1

Security measures do not mean that it has to be a major expense outlay every time. But, it can come to a major expense if you do not haverepparttar proper security measures and wind up in a court situation being sued for that reason. You may have insurance to cover it and they may not cover you if found negligent.

Then there isrepparttar 104136 bad publicity,repparttar 104137 court time,repparttar 104138 lawyers fees and on and on. You can see it can be very traumatic for a business owner! Especially if you loserepparttar 104139 case and very expensive too!

So it makes sense to use a security consultant to getrepparttar 104140 best benefits you can, think ofrepparttar 104141 expense as an investment forrepparttar 104142 future. It will keep you out of court, it could save you on your insurance, it will keep you out ofrepparttar 104143 bad publicity limelight and it will give you piece of mind.

It is better to be prepared and not need it than to not be prepared and need it. This is true for any type of business! Stop looking at security as just an expense and look at it for what it is, an investment to protect your future!

Consultants can help you withrepparttar 104144 following issues:

ØNegligent Hiring/Retention ØPremises Liability ØNegligent Security ØHiring Contract Security Services ØPhysical Site Security Surveys ØBusiness Espionage ØFraud and Internal Thefts ØDisaster recovery ØRisk Analysis

There are many ways a consultant can protect your business. You are looking at reducing your liabilities and protecting your self, employees, assets andrepparttar 104145 facility you have. After all you have worked for a while to get where you are, would it not be silly to lose it all because you thought it was an unnecessary expense?

Gary Cunningham is a Certified Protection Officer with over 30 years experience in High Risk Security, Law Enforcement Special Operations, Specialized Training and Military Special Operations. For more information on his services to business owners, check out www.cmbizinfo.com or e-mail him at mailto:secuone@aol.com!

Cobra Solution To Be Launched At Benefits Management Forum & Expo

Written by Melanie C Gipp

Continued from page 1

COBRApoint was built using ASP.NET technology to take advantage ofrepparttar software model known as Application Service Provider (ASP). A key element of ASPs isrepparttar 104135 concept of centrally managed software solutions. Givenrepparttar 104136 ever-increasing pace of new state and federal regulations that impact HR compliance, a centrally managed application deployed to multiple end-users isrepparttar 104137 only viable manner in which to ensure all users are compliant.

Through COBRApoint University, end-users learnrepparttar 104138 best practices for not only usingrepparttar 104139 application, but also in starting, building and managing a full service COBRA, HIPAA, State Continuation and Retiree Billing services company. Professional development can be continued through “best practices” discussion groups, open forums, annual user group conferences and full library of industry information and management tools.

Founded in 2003, COCO Development, LLC develops and supports cutting edge compliance solutions designed to streamline and simplifyrepparttar 104140 complex task of managing today’s Human Resource departments.

For further information, please contact mgipp@cobraoutsourcing.com or call 1-877-884-7021


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