Why Hire a Professional Transcriptionist to Convert Your Dictation or Audio Recordings to Typed Text?

Written by Laurie Kristensen

Continued from page 1

How about whenrepparttar quality ofrepparttar 102923 audio recording is not top-notch, such as when there is background noise or people speaking on top of each other... how does it handle that?

Even when there is only a single speaker, if they do not dictate punctuation, paragraphs, etc., doesrepparttar 102924 software intuit that correctly?

Ifrepparttar 102925 software does not handle these issues well, how much work is involved in cleaning uprepparttar 102926 text?

Also, in my relationships withrepparttar 102927 clients I've worked with, there isrepparttar 102928 unquantifiable element of me being an objective outsider who can catch errors or discrepancies inrepparttar 102929 CONTENT. And I often even come up with valuable ideas to help them improve their material!

There is a creative, collaborative give and take between my clients and me that often seems to be of benefit to us BOTH beyondrepparttar 102930 action of me ‘just’ transcribing their audio recordings.

So, I concluded, there IS still a need for my services by many people! Not all, but I’m sure enough to keep me busy. I actually do enjoy this kind of work underrepparttar 102931 right circumstances and withrepparttar 102932 types of clients I intend to connect with!

So inrepparttar 102933 end, I thanked that discussion forum member for her post andrepparttar 102934 internal thinking process it sent me through, because it helped me face a fear and come out stronger onrepparttar 102935 other side!

And then, as a welcome validation of everything I had deduced on my own, quickly after I had submitted my reply to her, she was kind enough to reply with a more detailed explanation of howrepparttar 102936 voice recognition software works and its definite limitations -- everything I had suspected, and even more!

I truly have a valuable, worthwhile service to offer my clients. I’m very proud of my skills, my dedication, and my opportunity to make a contribution torepparttar 102937 entire world by assisting my clients to develop their own gifts in ways they might never on their own IF it was up to themselves alone to type out their wisdom and creativity!

Copyright Laurie Kristensen, 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

Laurie Kristensen owns and operates a successful audio transcription and typing business from home, visit http://www.LKTranscription.com Also be sure to browse through her Success Resources at http://www.LKSuccess.com

You have permission to publish this article in its entirety, unchanged, electronically or in print as long as the bylines, URL, and copyright are included.

Financial Freedom, is it only a dream or just steps away?

Written by Yochention Saritoh

Continued from page 1

Third, don’t put your money inrepparttar bank for too long. We often forget that if we put our money inrepparttar 102922 bank,repparttar 102923 value ofrepparttar 102924 money will be decrease so fast. The interest rate thatrepparttar 102925 bank gives is far less thanrepparttar 102926 inflations rate each year. We always have to be smart about our money. The bank doesn’t care about our money; in fact, they maderepparttar 102927 most profit from our money.

We have to findrepparttar 102928 perfect investment. I suggest you to go to your financial advisor ask for their best opinions. They will seek your needs, and they can give yourepparttar 102929 investments that are suitable to your needs.

Fourth, if we really want to be financially free, we have to earn a passive income. There are several ways to earn passive income. First we can create our own company that can runs without us. So, in short you can create a system that can works for you. It doesn’t have to be big; you can start it with a small size company, for example a groceries store. The most important from this is that you have to set up a system that works without you.

Another way to get a passive income is that you can franchise. Franchising nowadays has increasing tremendously inrepparttar 102930 past few years. This industry givesrepparttar 102931 owner to adapt a system that are already being established and proven. If you don’t want to build your own system, you can buy a franchise and run it.

Last but not least, you can always join network marketing. Network marketing is very reasonable for people that don’t have big capital. Opening your own business or franchising a business could cost you a fortune, but network marketing usually cost very little to start. You can always find a good network marketing company and stick withrepparttar 102932 company for 5 years. There you can learn how to built your network and achieve Financial Freedom.

Those are couples steps that you can follow to achieve financial freedom. Every journey is start with a small step. So, you can start your own journey to your financial freedom by start it with a small step. Don’t you waste your time, becauserepparttar 102933 time is so precious that we can’t turn backrepparttar 102934 time. Hopefully this entire article help you realize that everyone need financial freedom, before you caught up intorepparttar 102935 routines for years.

Yochention Saritoh is an internet marketer and a member of Elite Team International and Financial Freedom Society Incorporation. He holds a degree in Master of Science from California State University at Fullerton, USA. If you want to know more how to achieve financial freedom, you can go to http://www.EzInternetIncome.com or e-mail him at Yochention@yahoo.com

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