Why Hire a Coach?

Written by JP Meyers

Continued from page 1

Often, people have a vision and a plan, but it's always "tomorrow." Tomorrow they will start. They're too tired tonight. The economy is lousy. It will take too long to achieve that dream. It's too expensive. There's no time.

There are a million excuses, but no reasons NOT to pursue your vision for an ideal life. If you have a vision and a plan, but lackrepparttar motivation to get there, a coach can help. A coach helps to troubleshootrepparttar 123281 barriers that stop you in your tracks so that those impassable mountains become molehills. A coach finds out what drives you and what keeps you on track, as well as recognizing when you are slacking off. A coach keeps you accountable and will ask you regularly if you're doing what you say you really want.

Where are you in your life? Do you have a vision of where you want to be, what you want to do, how you want to live? Maybe you have a vision, but you don’t have a plan. Any maybe you have bothrepparttar 123282 vision andrepparttar 123283 plan but need help motivating yourself to followrepparttar 123284 plan. A coach can help you at any stage of this process so that you can see that vision, design that plan, or be inspired to motivate yourself toward your goals.

Many people can and do achieve their dreams alone. And many more people benefit fromrepparttar 123285 guidance, focus, and accountability a coach offers.

So, why would you need a coach? Simply, to help you reach your dreams so thatrepparttar 123286 life you live isrepparttar 123287 life you want to live. Your life is beckoning - do you haverepparttar 123288 vision, plan, and motivation to get there?

Jacqueline ("JP") Meyers, a principal at PSG, coaches clients to find their best potential: as entrepreneurs, business leaders, individuals and in life. After earning her MBA JP has spent the past sixteen years working as both an internal and external consultant and coach, implementing HR systems and facilitating change locally and internationally. Her background involves consulting in the health care, retail and manufacturing industries.

HabitsWhat I Want For You

Written by Miami Phillips

Continued from page 1

Just inrepparttar last few years, we had decided we wanted to see what it was like to be involved in horses, training and lessons. I honestly do not remember one person who did not say "That is too hard. You won't make any money." We love our new horse ranch! We learned a long time ago that belief comes from within, and not from others.

The very first step is to change your belief. Believe that it is possible. One ofrepparttar 123280 most powerful things you can do for someone is to allow themrepparttar 123281 freedom to change their belief and their thinking process. This can be as simple asrepparttar 123282 statement - "What I want for you is".

When hearing this statement,repparttar 123283 mind will take that information in and bounce it around for a while. It might, with a bit of help from your Self, begin to change your belief that a thing is impossible, and begin to believe that it is possible … even reachable.

Once your intentions torepparttar 123284 Universal Power is clear, then this Power has no choice but to help you by presenting opportunities for you. (You do have to be clear enough to seerepparttar 123285 opportunities and you must act!)

Think of all you can do! What is it that you would truly love to do? *I want that for you!

As always, Your online friend and coach, *Miami

Miami Phillips helping others find their path - and stay on it. www.creativemasterminds.com

Quotation ofrepparttar 123286 Week Habit is habit and not to be flung out ofrepparttar 123287 window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach and the founder of Creative MasterMinds who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world. While his main focus is affordable personal and business coaching, he also offers motivational teleclasses, ebooks, reading recommendations and much more. To find out more visit his site at http://www.creativemasterminds.com or send him an email at coach@creativemasterminds.com

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