Why "Good Enough"... Isn't

Written by V. Berba Velasco Jr., Ph.D.

Continued from page 1

Third, and most importantly, one can expect this perspective to promote a corporate culture of mediocrity rather than an attitude of excellence. If employees are told that they should only strive for what's "good enough," then that's precisely what they'll deliver-not just torepparttar customer, but torepparttar 103766 employer as well! A mediocre attitude will result in mediocre products, which ultimately benefits nobody.

That is why I maintain that "good enough" just isn't good enough. People need to take pride in their work, and companies need to strive for excellence. Companies do have limited resources, to be sure. Still, that should not stop them from seeking to delight their customers, or from producing work that they can brag about. To put it another way, a company may not be able to deliverrepparttar 103767 moon, but it should always reach forrepparttar 103768 stars.

V. Berba Velasco Jr., Ph.D. takes great pride in working at Cellular Technology Ltd Europe, China) where he serves as a senior electrical and software engineer. He is pleased to work in an environment where excellence is valued.

Getting Your Video Successfully Produced: Why quality is Key and how to get it!

Written by Greg Ball

Continued from page 1

- How much experience do they have creating videos? Are they fresh out of school, or have they had any professional education? Is this a second career stemming from a hobby? The experience level of almost every crew member will impact every aspect of your video, so ask about them also. - Willrepparttar more experienced people actually be working on your video from start to finish, or will they delegate to less experienced people?

- What type of clients have they worked with inrepparttar 103765 past? For example, I would not want a wedding video company to videotape my corporate video.

- Doesrepparttar 103766 video crew have good corporate manners? Can they work well withrepparttar 103767 people who will be involved with your shoot? Video crews are notorious for vulgarities and inappropriate dress and manners.

- Can you get references from their other clients? Are they credible?

- Do they have an in depth understanding ofrepparttar 103768 type of video you are creating? For example, if it is a marketing video, do they understand marketing concepts? If it is a training video, do they understand training concepts? Havingrepparttar 103769 appropriate knowledge helpsrepparttar 103770 director plan, shoot and editrepparttar 103771 video for maximum effectiveness. - Do they seem to know how to create mood and atmosphere? Can they tell a story effectively? Are they able to create appropriate emotions? Look at their demos and see how you feel as you watch them. Do you feel “sold”, motivated, inspired, etc?

- Will someone who understands all phases of production work on your show from start to finish? As a producer/director/editor, I understand each phase and that impacts how I plan and createrepparttar 103772 entire show. Many production companies passrepparttar 103773 project along like an assembly line. The show can become disjointed and ineffective. The right producer/director will know what questions to ask you, and then they will know what to do withrepparttar 103774 answers! Shooting: As I mentioned before, ifrepparttar 103775 camera work is good,repparttar 103776 viewer usually won’t even notice it. They will simply experiencerepparttar 103777 message. Take a look at their demo and observerepparttar 103778 following: - The framing of shots. This means heads will not be cut off, and usuallyrepparttar 103779 camera will haverepparttar 103780 focal point centered onrepparttar 103781 screen. If there is more than one focal point, they will be equidistant torepparttar 103782 sides ofrepparttar 103783 screen. These rules can be broken if there is a creative effect being achieved, but you will sense whether or not it works.

- The focus. You would think this goes without saying, but an inexperienced camera operator may go out of focus and may not be able to getrepparttar 103784 image back into focus quickly. - Camera movements. They should flow smoothly, capture allrepparttar 103785 important action and information, and add variety torepparttar 103786 screen, makingrepparttar 103787 show more visually interesting. Steady camera moves makerepparttar 103788 camera work unnoticeable torepparttar 103789 viewer. An amateur may be shaky, zoom in too quickly or not quickly enough, and may have rough camera moves. They may not move enough to keeprepparttar 103790 show interesting, or they may move too often. These things will become distracting. Again, these rules can be broken for effect, but watch for those who overuse these effects or do them poorly. Lighting: A poorly lit shot can make you look 10 years older! If you have a one-inch long wrinkle, poor lighting can extend it to be at least two inches. Great lighting gives your picture dimension and poor lighting makes your image flat and one-dimensional. Visible shadows should be kept to a minimum, and there should be no bright spots.

Sound: Great sound is essential. Today’s audience is savvy when it comes to good sound. If it is less than perfect, you will increaserepparttar 103791 likelihood that you will lose them. Poor sound is like going to a fantastic movie butrepparttar 103792 people behind you won’t stop talking! Professional sound is crisp, clear, not too loud, not too soft, and you hear only what you are supposed to hear. Add music to a less than perfect audio track andrepparttar 103793 music will sound like an increase in noise. Addrepparttar 103794 right music to a well done sound track and it can transformrepparttar 103795 listener. Checkrepparttar 103796 following on their demo:

- Sound volume. Is it consistent and audible? Doesrepparttar 103797 viewer have to strain to make out words?

- Clarity of sound. It may be loud enough, but without clarity it still can be a strain to make out allrepparttar 103798 words. Think about sound on cable access stations. You can often hear a kind of echo, like they are talking into a tin can. - Background sounds. For example, air conditioning, airplanes, lawn mowing, footsteps… Sometimes it is impossible to avoid, but whenever possible, these sounds should be avoided as they will be very distracting. - Music. Is it right forrepparttar 103799 video? Is it playing atrepparttar 103800 right volume? Music should never overpower or distract. Yetrepparttar 103801 right piece can setrepparttar 103802 tone. It can create excitement, calmness, etc. A long piece can actually seem shorter and more interesting with energetic music.

Video effects: Page turns, tumbling boxes with video in them, funky wipes - recognize those from your wedding video? Effects do have their place, but usually your video is not that place! The very occasional effect is fine in most videos. An abundance of them can make a video look very amateurish. Editing: This is an art form in itself. A talented editor will know how to chooserepparttar 103803 right shots, cut them together smoothly to tellrepparttar 103804 story, create a mood, teach a concept, and sell your product. Things to watch out for are cuts fromrepparttar 103805 same angle over and over, hard cuts that don’t make sense torepparttar 103806 brain, etc… It really takes years of training to be able to identifyrepparttar 103807 elements of a well edited video. However, once again I would say that when watching a demo, you should not even noticerepparttar 103808 editing. The video should draw you in and flow smoothly. A well made video can be a powerful tool. When you are investing your time and money, it’s important to educate yourself so that you can getrepparttar 103809 most gain possible. A savvy buyer can investrepparttar 103810 same time and money, yet get much more payback. For outstanding quality at competitive prices call us Ball Media Innovations today! We would be happy to discuss how we can help you create your high quality video at our competitive prices.

Copyright 2004 Ball Media Innovations, Inc. All rights reserved.

Greg Ball , Award Winning President of Ball Media Innovations, Inc. has been producing videos for corporate and broadcast clients for over 23 years. BMI provides national service. clients include Burger King Corporation, Club Med, Citicorp Latin America, Ryder Trucks, Burson-Marsteller Public Relations, Audi Corporation, Icelandair, World Communications Link. Contact him at (954) 432-1274 email granball@msn.com

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