Why God Allows Wickedness And Suffering

Written by Arthur Zulu

Continued from page 1

A man who disobeysrepparttar laws ofrepparttar 126866 State is in effect challengingrepparttar 126867 authority of that State --repparttar 126868 sovereignty, which meansrepparttar 126869 right to rule. Now, when Adam and Eve decided to eatrepparttar 126870 forbidden fruit in exercise of their free will after being deceived to do so by Satan, they were in effect challenging God's legal right to rule. They were effectively saying to God: "We can tell good from bad. It is better for us to be independent of you. We can rule ourselves without you."

That was an affront -- a rebellion against their Creator. So God has allowed manrepparttar 126871 past 6,000 years to see if he can do without his creator. In those years, man has tried every political and economic system. Andrepparttar 126872 result?

Helmut Schmidt, former German Chancellor tells us: "We humans . . . have always only partially governedrepparttar 126873 world, and most ofrepparttar 126874 time very badly . . . . We have never governed it in total peace". Do you agree with him? With all man's best efforts, do we have peace or pieces of peace? (I am not playing with words.)

But how are werepparttar 126875 children of Adam and Eve who didn't have a bite at this fruit, concerned in this matter?

It is because ofrepparttar 126876 law of genetics. When our first parents disobeyed, they became sinners -- imperfect people. And imperfect parents cannot give birth to perfect children. So we have all inheritedrepparttar 126877 result of sin -- suffering and death from Adam and Eve.

Here comesrepparttar 126878 questions:

Question: Why did God plant a forbidden tree inrepparttar 126879 garden? Answer: Because he hasrepparttar 126880 right to so, and nobody can challenge him.

Question: Did he know or not that Adam and Eve would eatrepparttar 126881 fruit? Answer: No, he did not know. For God can choose not to know.

Question: Why did he allow Satan to deceive them? Answer: God did not allow it. Satan desired worship, and deceit was his tool.

Question: Why did he not destroyrepparttar 126882 sinning trio? Answer: Because God's purpose of populatingrepparttar 126883 earth wil be defeated, andrepparttar 126884 sovereignty issue wil not be resolved.

Question: And who made Satanrepparttar 126885 Devil inrepparttar 126886 first place? Answer: It was not God, because God made perfect angels. One ofrepparttar 126887 angels made himself Satan, meaning resister, and Devil meaning liar.

Are you surprised to read this, folks? Do not be amazed. That isrepparttar 126888 Bible fact. The bottomline isrepparttar 126889 bottomline.

ARTHUR ZULU, isrepparttar 126890 controversial author ofrepparttar 126891 book, CHASING SHADOWS! A Dream. (A book that revealsrepparttar 126892 terrorists' master plan to finally setrepparttar 126893 world on fire!) For a copy ofrepparttar 126894 book and free excerpt, goto: http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/21013 For contacts, mailto: mostcontroversialwriter@yahoo.com

Arthur Zulu isrepparttar 126895 author ofrepparttar 126896 controversial book CHASING SHADOWS! (A book that revealsrepparttar 126897 terrorists' master plan to finally setrepparttar 126898 world on fire!) For a copy ofrepparttar 126899 book and FREE excerpt, goto: http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/21013 For contacts, mailto: mostcontroversialwriter@yahoo.com

Arthur Zulu is the author of CHASING SHADOWS!: A Dream.(A book that reveals the terorists' master plan to finally set the world on fore!}

Living The "Rollover" Life: A Mandate for Marketplace Ministers

Written by Theresa V. Wilson

Continued from page 1

We each have within usrepparttar key to accessingrepparttar 126865 power of God. Through praise and worship, we please God and invite Him to help us. God will not become involved in our lives without our invitation. “I will praise and Lord at all times. His praise will continually be on my lips” (Psalm 34:1). These statements are not merely friendly phrases. Their use can activaterepparttar 126866 fullness of God power. Praise and worship are our “rolling over” song and prayer that enable use to move out ofrepparttar 126867 way so that God can help us fulfill His will for our lives. His will is “that you prosper as your soul prospers, (3 John 2).

Being obedient torepparttar 126868 Word of God will require that you readrepparttar 126869 Word in order to know whatrepparttar 126870 Word says for your lives. It means takingrepparttar 126871 time to hear, absorb, question, and learn by “studying to show thyself approved” (II Timothy 2:15). Once you readrepparttar 126872 Word of God, you are responsible for making it part of your daily life. In this way, not unlike Jesus, you can boldly go before God in prayer as his child asking for wisdom and power to change negative situations so that you can be fruitful and multiply in your business and personal life.

For business people, obedience and commitment torepparttar 126873 Word and will of God is paramount to living successful and fruitful lives. Our “walk” must demonstrate ethical principals. There are no trade-offs or detours.

Each business decision must begin and end with Christ-like attitudes and responses. Professionalism, punctuality, follow up and follow through must berepparttar 126874 focus. Profit motive, at all cost, must not berepparttar 126875 standard of operating and profit planning must be tempered with supernatural wisdom and guidance through prayer. In this way,repparttar 126876 business is built on a solid foundation, not sinking sand.

Non-conforming will be a daily battle, with worldly views and carnal thinking around every turn of operation. It becomes your mandate, therefore, to renew and transform your thinking toward God centered living. Psalm 37:4 advises that we delight ourselves inrepparttar 126877 Lord and he will give usrepparttar 126878 desires of our heart. God wants to give us what we desire, in conformance to His good and perfect will for our lives. We must be vigilant and cautious not to: *Get in a hurry and decide to give God a hand inrepparttar 126879 process *Go ahead of God *Forget to ask God for His will for our lives *Seek His face at all times in all decisions, with all challenges *Wait onrepparttar 126880 Lord with patience and confidence (Faith) that He will see us through *Believe that God knowsrepparttar 126881 perfect timing of what we need and that….. *He is working it out for us.

Livingrepparttar 126882 “Rollover” life requires that we have an attitude of totally relinquishing power over our lives, in faith, to God. It is a call to separate ourselves from self controlling situations and allowing a power greater and more resourceful and creative to take charge.

Essential elements to this transition includes acceptance that there is a greater power than you,repparttar 126883 importance of your willingness to submit and cooperate fully, and an openness to trying another way to connect your vision to personal and professional success. Remember, behindrepparttar 126884 scenes, God is working it out.

All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to electronically reprintrepparttar 126885 following article as long as no changes are made andrepparttar 126886 byline, copyright information, and resource box. Minimal content editing is allowed; however, you may request changes torepparttar 126887 content byline: e-mail VMA@meetingtheneeds.org with necessary changes. Off line printing is permitted. Please send a copy ofrepparttar 126888 article on publication to: VMAssociates, Inc., PMB 47182, Windsor Mill, MD 21244.

Theresa V. Wilson, M.Ed. is a freelance writer and owner of a home based business dedicated to providing products and resources for grieving families and caregivers facing stres and health recovery related issues. Her Grief and Health support sites are www.meetingtheneeds.org and www.renewingyourhealth.org

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