Why Don't My Subscribers Listen to Me?

Written by Alice Seba

Continued from page 1

For example, if you sell corporate gift baskets - give tips on developing client relationships or anything related torepparttar goal of corporate gift giving.

4. If you reach a broad audience, customize your mailing lists. I happen to knowrepparttar 103049 lady who submitted this question does sell gift baskets...but she sells all kinds of gift baskets. What kind of value can you deliver to your customers / prospects if some of them:

- buy new baby gift baskets - buy corporate gifts - buy Valentine's gifts

It's tough. I'd look to Amazon asrepparttar 103050 ultimate model to emulate -- they customize information for you based on your interests. They know what you looked at when you visited their website and they also keep track of what you buy. Then they deliver relevant products and content to you.You can applyrepparttar 103051 same plan to your mailing lists.

You can give opt-in subscribers tell you what topics they are interested in or if you are putting your customers on your follow up list -- make sure that follow up list is related to what they bought.

Keep working at it and learning what your subscribers WANT and deliver it to them. Don't give up...just get better. Also, do yourself a favor to help you in this process. Sign up for Alexandria K. Brown's (The Ezine Queen) Free Report:

"3 Simple Secrets to Publishing an Ezine That Makes You Money"

===> http://www.aliceseba.com/ezinequeen.html

About the Author: Alice Seba is a full-time online business owner that thrives on helping others say good-bye to their J-O-Bs forever. Sign up for her "Internet Marketing Prescriptions" to cure what ails your online business: http://www.AliceSeba.com

Why Does FACTA Matter to Me?

Written by Jonathan Kraft

Continued from page 1

So what can you do? The only sure solution, or at leastrepparttar only solution that would at least provide an affirmative defense againstrepparttar 103048 fines, fees, and lawsuits you could incur as an employer, is to offer some sort of Identity Theft protection as a benefit to your employees.

As an employer, you can choose whether or not to pay for this added benefit. However,repparttar 103049 most important thing you can do is to makerepparttar 103050 protection available, and have a mandatory employee meeting, similar to what you probably already do for health insurance, to help employees understand Identity Theft andrepparttar 103051 protection that you are making available to them. When you makerepparttar 103052 protection available, and when your employees have been educated onrepparttar 103053 dangers of Identity Theft, they can either elect to have identity theft coverage as a benefit, or they can declinerepparttar 103054 coverage as a benefit.

Ifrepparttar 103055 employee has Identity Theft coverage and becomes a victim, it is beneficial to your business, because an employee with Identity Theft coverage will spend less time, less money, and will experience less frustration while trying to have their information restored. This will get them back onrepparttar 103056 job and focused on work more quickly.

Ifrepparttar 103057 employee declinesrepparttar 103058 coverage, and later claims thatrepparttar 103059 information was stolen as a result of you or your company’s actions, you have a piece of paper, with their signature, saying that they attendedrepparttar 103060 presentation and declinedrepparttar 103061 coverage.

Choosing to not make Identity Theft coverage available leaves you exposed to an unlimited dollar amount that you can be sued for under civil liability, federal fines of up to $2,500.00 per employee per incident, and state fines of up to $1,000.00 per employee per incident.

Recommended course of action? Have a benefits consultant who offers an Identity Theft protection plan present to your employees. Help them set up a 20 minute presentation with your employees, and make it mandatory that all employees attend. You want your employees to be protected from this awful crime. If they choose not to be, but you’ve givenrepparttar 103062 option of being protected, thenrepparttar 103063 liability becomes theirs, not yours, when they become a victim of identity theft.

Jonathan Kraft is a benefits consultant who specializes in educating people about how they can get affordable access torepparttar 103064 legal system. Because of his work inrepparttar 103065 field of electronic Identity Theft, he has come to be known as Colorado’s Foremost Expert on Computer Related Identity Theft. To schedule a time for Mr. Kraft to present Identity Theft and Legal Service protection to your employees, please contact him at (877) 825-7119. You can also find out more onrepparttar 103066 web at www.strive4impact.com/group

Jonathan Kraft specializes in educating people about how they can get affordable access to the legal system. He has come to be known as Colorado’s Foremost Expert on Computer Related Identity Theft. To schedule a time for Mr. Kraft's company to present Identity Theft and Legal Service protection to your employees, please contact him at (877) 825-7119. You can also find out more on the web at www.strive4impact.com/group

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