Why Does God Permit Wickedness and Suffering? (Part 5)

Written by ARTHUR ZULU

Continued from page 1

It is either happening in Rwanda, Liberia, Sudan or Somalia. Or inrepparttar Middle East, Columbia or South – East Asia. If it’s not ethnic cleansing, it is war against terrorism. If AIDS is not onrepparttar 127031 rampage, it is Ebola. And when it is not a hurricane or a tornado doing its thing, it is a flood or drought that is causing havoc, or it is an earthquake of major proportions, or a volcano is suddenly spitting fire.

All these are happening to us because Adam and Eve, our original parents aterepparttar 127032 forbidden fruit? Yes;repparttar 127033 matter transcends eating of fruit. They took what belonged to God; they challenged God’s Universal Sovereignty -- His right to rule over mankind, and sought independence from their Creator.

Thinking that their punishment was too much, some have askedrepparttar 127034 following questions, and you may wish to find outrepparttar 127035 answers.

Question: Why did God plant a forbidden tree inrepparttar 127036 garden? Answer: Because he hasrepparttar 127037 right to do so, and nobody can challenge him.

Question: Did he know or not that Adam and Eve would eatrepparttar 127038 fruit? Answer: No, he did not know. For God can choose not to know.

Question: Why did he allow Satan to deceive them? Answer: God did not allow it. Satan desired worship, and deceit was his tool.

Question: Why did he not destroyrepparttar 127039 sinning trio? Answer: Because God’s purpose of populatingrepparttar 127040 earth will be defeated, andrepparttar 127041 sovereignty issue will not be resolved.

Question: Who made Satanrepparttar 127042 Devil inrepparttar 127043 first place? Answer: It was not God, because God made perfect angels. One ofrepparttar 127044 angels made himself Satan, meaning resister, and Devil meaning liar.

Are you surprised to read this? Do not be amazed. That isrepparttar 127045 Bible fact.

But now you may ask: Who then causes wickedness and suffering? What has been proved overrepparttar 127046 millenniums? When will suffering end? And what will God do?

Let’s find out.

(To be continued)

Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved

Aboutrepparttar 127047 Author:

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer inrepparttar 127048 World, presentsrepparttar 127049 above article as an example of topics that make best-sellers. If you want to write a best-seller, download a copy and free excerpt of his best – selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER at : http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/10975 For FREE writing helps, mailto: controversialwriter@yahoo.com

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best - selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER.

Why Does God Permit Wickedness and Suffering? (Part 3)

Written by ARTHUR ZULU

Continued from page 1

It is positioned atrepparttar right distance fromrepparttar 127030 sun (to make life possible), it revolves roundrepparttar 127031 sun (to make for change of seasons), it rotates once very 24 hours (making day and night to happen), and it has an atmosphere (to protect us.) Was it made, or did it come about by chance?

Well, what aboutrepparttar 127032 brain, which inrepparttar 127033 words of Henry F. Osborne “isrepparttar 127034 most marvelous and mysterious object inrepparttar 127035 whole universe”

Do you know that as you read this, some 100 million messages are pouring into your brain every second? But how you may ask, does it make it possible for you to focus on what you are reading right now?

Becauserepparttar 127036 brain censors incoming information and scans itself every tenth of a second thus making it possible to focus onrepparttar 127037 important ones. Imaginerepparttar 127038 complex electrochemical transmission andrepparttar 127039 quadrillion connections betweenrepparttar 127040 100 billion neutrons or nerve cells inrepparttar 127041 brain. And imaginerepparttar 127042 fact that these connections are several times more than allrepparttar 127043 communication systems inrepparttar 127044 whole world!

Commenting onrepparttar 127045 information storage capability ofrepparttar 127046 brain, Carl Sagan said that it “would fill some twenty million volumes, as many as inrepparttar 127047 world’s largest libraries”. Do you think that it evolved, or was it made by a Superior Intelligence?

Saidrepparttar 127048 neurosurgeon, Dr. Robert J. White: “I am left with no choice but to acknowledgerepparttar 127049 existence of a superior intellect, responsible forrepparttar 127050 design and development ofrepparttar 127051 incredible brain-mind relationship -- something far beyond man’s capacity to understand . . . . I have to believe all this had an intelligent beginning, that someone made it happen.”

Who is that Someone? He is God,repparttar 127052 creator,repparttar 127053 one who has no beginning and no end. His power and intelligence is seen fromrepparttar 127054 complexity ofrepparttar 127055 things he has made -- fromrepparttar 127056 terrifying cosmos torepparttar 127057 small atom.

So since there is God, why does he permit wickedness and suffering?

(To be continued)

Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved

Aboutrepparttar 127058 Author:

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer inrepparttar 127059 World, presentsrepparttar 127060 above article as an example of topics that make best-sellers. If you want to write a best-seller, download a copy and free excerpt of his best – selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER at : http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/10975 For FREE writing helps, mailto: controversialwriter@yahoo.com

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best - selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER.

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