Continued from page 1
It is either happening in Rwanda, Liberia, Sudan or Somalia. Or in
Middle East, Columbia or South – East Asia. If it’s not ethnic cleansing, it is war against terrorism. If AIDS is not on
rampage, it is Ebola. And when it is not a hurricane or a tornado doing its thing, it is a flood or drought that is causing havoc, or it is an earthquake of major proportions, or a volcano is suddenly spitting fire.
All these are happening to us because Adam and Eve, our original parents ate
forbidden fruit? Yes;
matter transcends eating of fruit. They took what belonged to God; they challenged God’s Universal Sovereignty -- His right to rule over mankind, and sought independence from their Creator.
Thinking that their punishment was too much, some have asked
following questions, and you may wish to find out
Question: Why did God plant a forbidden tree in
garden? Answer: Because he has
right to do so, and nobody can challenge him.
Question: Did he know or not that Adam and Eve would eat
fruit? Answer: No, he did not know. For God can choose not to know.
Question: Why did he allow Satan to deceive them? Answer: God did not allow it. Satan desired worship, and deceit was his tool.
Question: Why did he not destroy
sinning trio? Answer: Because God’s purpose of populating
earth will be defeated, and
sovereignty issue will not be resolved.
Question: Who made Satan
Devil in
first place? Answer: It was not God, because God made perfect angels. One of
angels made himself Satan, meaning resister, and Devil meaning liar.
Are you surprised to read this? Do not be amazed. That is
Bible fact.
But now you may ask: Who then causes wickedness and suffering? What has been proved over
millenniums? When will suffering end? And what will God do?
Let’s find out.
(To be continued)
Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved
ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in
World, presents
above article as an example of topics that make best-sellers. If you want to write a best-seller, download a copy and free excerpt of his best – selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER at : For FREE writing helps, mailto:

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best - selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER.