Why Dieting Is The Absolute WORST Thing You Can Do To Lose Weight

Written by Kathryn ONeill

Continued from page 1

When you think ofrepparttar traditional 'diet' do you lovingly envisionrepparttar 115125 carrot sticks orrepparttar 115126 cottage cheese that you're allowed to eat?

Chances are that you started dreadingrepparttar 115127 'diet' food, while longingly picturingrepparttar 115128 restricted goodies like pizza, or chocolate cake, or potato chips, or butter tarts, or French fries…

That's a classic example of what restriction does to us. Our focus turns to what we can't have. And what you focus on...(see above)

Here's another example of what restrictions do to us: If I told you that you could write with any instrument except a blue ballpoint pen, what would happen?

Chances are that you'd be fine for a while, writing with pencil, black or red ballpoint pen, even markers or crayons. But eventually what would you start to think about?

'Why can't I use a blue ballpoint pen?' 'What's so special about a blue ballpoint pen?' 'What does she know that I don't about blue ballpoint pens?' 'Look at all those people writing with a blue ballpoint pen. They look so happy!' 'Whorepparttar 115129 heck does she think she is, telling me I can't write with a blue ballpoint pen?'

'I'll show her!'

And you write a wonderfully long, insulting letter to me with your blue ballpoint pen. (Ok maybe you wouldn't be that bad but you getrepparttar 115130 point!)

That blue ballpoint pen has just taken on more value for you.

It'srepparttar 115131 forbidden fruit that you'd much rather have over any simple pencil.

And has anything really changed?

No! Writing with a blue ballpoint pen is justrepparttar 115132 same as writing with a black ballpoint pen or a pencil.

But in your mind, it's better.

See why we value our chocolate and pizza and French fries so much? Because, just like that blue ballpoint pen, we've been told we can't have them.

So in going on a diet, we've psychologically moved ourselves closer to food by focusing on it and restricting it.

Talk about setting yourself up for failure! Not only doesrepparttar 115133 weight pile back on with a vengeance, but you now have a very well trained food-focused mind that valuesrepparttar 115134 highest calorie (and least nutritionally helpful) food.

If you've been beating yourself up for failing to lose weight with a diet, I would encourage you to forgive yourself. Let it go. Just forget it. It's notrepparttar 115135 only way to lose weight. It's not even a GREAT way to lose weight!

Makerepparttar 115136 decision to let diets go once and for all. For many people their journey towards natural slimness and health begins withrepparttar 115137 first step of giving up diets forever.

I would encourage you to do that today. Start training your mind to focus on life and what's really important to you--family, friends, goals and dreams. NOT food!

Want To Learn How To Reclaim Your Body and Lose Weight Without Dieting?

Kathryn O’Neill is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Specialist & holds a degree in Behavioral Psychology. She has authored several e-books on how to lose weight naturally without harmful diets.

Check out her website by clicking here:


The Obesity Epidemic - How To Avoid The Coming Whirlwind

Written by Kathryn ONeill

Continued from page 1

#3 by teaching us that we can lose weight with a temporary quick-fix, not a lifestyle change.

Diets are one ofrepparttar TOP reasons we’re in such a weight loss mess today – and yet they will stay as long as they make money.

#2) Lack of Exercise

Elevators, escalators, reduced gym classes in schools, television, video games, computers, microwaves, dishwashers, washing machines…

We’re a society of energy conservation. I love convenience as much asrepparttar 115124 next person but there also needs to be a balance. Compared to our ancestors, we’re putting out less energy and taking in more. It doesn’t take a genius to dorepparttar 115125 math.

#3) Too Much Misinformation

There’s so much weight loss MISinformation out there that people are doing MAJOR damage by following it.

It doesn’t matter if you haverepparttar 115126 best of intentions: if you eat according to WRONG information, you WON’T lose weight.

For example, if you believe you need 2500 calories a day to lose weight butrepparttar 115127 ACTUAL TRUTH is that you only need 1500 – you’re not going anywhere but up if you follow that belief.

Another great example ofrepparttar 115128 misinformation out there isrepparttar 115129 belief that ‘a calorie is a calorie’. I guarantee you that your body will respond differently to 2000 calories of Mars Bars a day than it will to 2000 calories of fruits, veggies and lean protein. Convenient though this belief may be, it will wreak havoc if you set your weight loss plan by it.

So what can you do?

Well, first realize that you are NOT doomed to be overweight. You can lose weight and reclaim your naturally slim body, but it will involve changing your thinking and maybe even your lifestyle.

Stop dieting and start listening to your body. Observe what it’s telling you. Seek out information and then EVALUATE this information. Does it make sense? What doesrepparttar 115130 evidence say?

You can lose weight in a world that is skewed against weight loss, but YOU have to make up your mind to do it. It won’t just fall on you. Figure out what works for you in weight loss and do it – for your health’s sake.

Want To Learn How To Reclaim Your Body and Lose Weight Without Dieting?

Kathryn O’Neill is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Specialist & holds a degree in Behavioral Psychology. She has authored several e-books on how to lose weight naturally without harmful diets.

Check out her website by clicking here:


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