Why DO the Japanese have the longest lifespan? Part 2: Live the Lifestyle

Written by Peter McGarry

Continued from page 1

Automobiles do have some purpose, however they are viewed as a hobby or a luxury. Parking in Japan is costly and limited with simply not enough parking spaces for everyone to park. Cars are used for longer excursions to other cities orrepparttar countryside. The most common recreational activities are active ones. Trips torepparttar 115287 mountains, lakes or open spaces are most popular.

Althoughrepparttar 115288 pace of life is fast in Japan, we can learn from certain aspects. Changing our eating habits is an important first step and combining low impact exercise after eating, such as walking, will have a greater impact. Involvement in clubs or activities that are active will also create an opportunity to engage in activity. Finally, being less reliant on our vehicles will require more effort for some daily physical activity.

So perhaps if you do what they do and eat what they eat you could be extending your lifespan. Your life is what you make it.

Here’s to your health! Peter McGarry info@magneticrevolution.com For additional free information on health issues regarding fitness, nutrition, environment and financial well being please visit www.magneticrevolution.com. This site is a guide to improving your quality of life.

Peter McGarry, BASc, is the Editor/Publisher for Magnetic Revolution's monthly newsletter.

Top Ten Habits That Help You Manage Your Stress

Written by Linda Dessau

Continued from page 1

5. Get inrepparttar habit of gratitude.

Our attitude comes from our emotions and our emotions come from our thoughts. Thinking about what we're grateful for and what we're good at can keep things positive. It's not about shying away from what's challenging you – it's about approaching life from a place of strength and not as a victim.

6. Get inrepparttar 115286 habit of creating.

Experiment with a new recipe inrepparttar 115287 kitchen, write a poem, bang a drum, do a craft, take a dance class or do something else that feels creative to you.

7. Get inrepparttar 115288 habit of putting your stuff away.

Physical clutter can really impact on mental, emotional and physical health. Get rid of things that don't make you happy when you look at them. Organize your stuff. Find a place for everything and keep it there.

8. Get inrepparttar 115289 habit of breathing.

This isrepparttar 115290 simplest and quickest way to relax yourself in a stressful situation. The minute you focus on your breathing it automatically gets slower and deeper.

9. Get inrepparttar 115291 habit of daydreaming.

Take yourself away on an imaginary holiday. Just close your eyes and go! Picture somewhere you've been or somewhere you've dreamed of.

10. Get inrepparttar 115292 habit of giggling.

Laugh out loud every day.

Don't let your stress getrepparttar 115293 better of you! Which one of these strategies can you apply this week to manage your stress?

Linda Dessau, the Self-Care Coach, helps hundreds of people every month improve their self-care and make healthier choices. To receive her free monthly newsletter, “Genuine Self-Care”, subscribe at http://www.genuinecoaching.com/newsletter.html.

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