Why Business Owners Need Security

Written by Gary L. Cunningham, C.P.O.

Continued from page 1

Here is a list ofrepparttar most viable security measures that you need to look at for your business:

Hiring & Termination Security Issues Perimeter Security Issues Theft/Fraud Issues Information Theft Issues Money Handling Issues Access & Egress security Measures

You need to start looking at your security measures for your business now and adapt them where it is necessary to help stop any potential lawsuits from befalling you. Therefore, you have to takerepparttar 104410 list above and go through each topic to see if it actually impacts you. Then you have an idea of what to change and it should also help you as to how you should change it forrepparttar 104411 better.

If you do not feel like you can do this by yourself, then you need to hire a competent security consultant to do an assessment of your security measures. This will give yourepparttar 104412 insight needed to make decisions that will affect your business andrepparttar 104413 security measures you need to keep that business safe.

Gary Cunningham is a Certified Protection Officer with over 30 years experience in High Risk Security, Law Enforcement Special Operations, Specialized Training and Military Special Operations. For more information on his services to business owners, check out http://www.cmbizinfo.com or e-mail him at mailto:secuone@aol.com!

Gary Cunningham is a Certified Protection Officer with over 30 years experience in High Risk Security, Law Enforcement Special Operations, Specialized Training and Military Special Operations. For more information on his services to business owners, check out http://www.cmbizinfo.com or e-mail him at mailto:secuone@aol.com!

Hubris - definition: Microsoft's Passport

Written by Stephen Bucaro

Continued from page 1

If you sign up for Microsoft Network (MSN) or for a free Hotmail email account, you will be forced to sign up for Microsoft's Passport wallet service. You can sign up for a Passport account with a non-Microsoft email account at Microsoft's Passport website.

To sign up, you need only an email address and a password. After you sign up, you can choose to add personal information to your profile. Then you can indicate if you want to share your information with companies that use Passport. If you choose to share your personal information, be aware that Microsoft shares it with every passport website you visit, and those websites are not required to adhere to Microsoft's privacy policy.

The Internet does not need a master account repository for users personal information. Users don't need to remember separate usernames and passwords for each website. Every Internet user has memorized two or three different email addresses and half a dozen different passwords that they use everywhere.

If an Internet master account repositiory is desired, it should NOT be owned or operated by Microsoft. A repository of personal account information must be operated by an honest, independant company.

Note: In April 2000, U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled that Microsoft violated two sections ofrepparttar 1890 Sherman Act. He concluded that Microsoft was an illegal monopoly that used anti-competitive means to maintain its dominance in Intel-based operating systems.

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