Why Are Your Customers Hanging Out At Your Competitors Web Site?

Written by Diane Leonte

Continued from page 1

Determine why.....

Take a look at each web sites meta tags inrepparttar view source function in your browser. You can viewrepparttar 121923 source code of any open web site in your browser by selecting "Source" inrepparttar 121924 "View" function of Internet Explorer or "Page Source" inrepparttar 121925 "View" function of Netscape.

Examinerepparttar 121926 keywords, description, and title that your competitor is using in their meta tags and see how your own meta tags compare (you do use meta tags don't you??).

Do you need to fine tune your meta tags in order to increase your chances of ranking higher withrepparttar 121927 search engines, then do so. This activity alone will bring your more targeted traffic.

How does your web sites sales copy compare to your competitors. Chances are that your larger competitors are using benefit rich sales copy. Fine tune your web site sales copy to address how your product or service will be about helping your customer get what they want and need.

How aboutrepparttar 121928 design of your competitors web site? You can learn more about what is more attractive and compelling to your customer by comparing your web design to that of your competitors. For example... is your web site easy to navigate? Do you have a consistent focus on one or two products/services? Do you have a web site that is cluttered with gyrating banners for unrelated products/services?

Does your competitors web site offer more online payment options than you do? Are they easier to use? Do they send an automatic thank you with each order?

What about customer service? Does your competitor follow up with their customers to determine their level of satisfaction? Do they offer real time online customer support?

What about price? Where is your pricing compared to your competitor?

How about added value? Does your competitor offer more to repparttar 121929 customer withrepparttar 121930 purchase of their product/service? For example, a guarantee, a bonus, or a trial version.

How much advertising does your competitor do and where? To find this out, simply searchrepparttar 121931 Internet using your competitors web site name, or product name to find out where else they are linked to.

***Keep in mindrepparttar 121932 above suggestions do not suggest or encourage copying any web site, web site copy, or HTML code from your competitor's web site. There are copyright laws that protect us all from this kind of activity. You can userepparttar 121933 information obtained from your Internet searches for ideas on how to improve your own web site only.

This is no different from howrepparttar 121934 bricks & mortar businesses gather their market research information about their competitors when they send employees out to "Shop" their competitors stores and buy their services and products....repparttar 121935 glaring difference is that Internet Marketers can gather allrepparttar 121936 information they need from a larger number of competitors in a fraction ofrepparttar 121937 time it would takerepparttar 121938 offline business to do so.

This is a wonderful time to be in business onrepparttar 121939 Internet, and if you have not takenrepparttar 121940 time to do your market research, then stop everything you are doing to promote your business and focus on accomplishingrepparttar 121941 three steps above.

By doing so... you will gain customers and gain on your competitors in market share.

Good Luck Online.

Diane Leonte is a Business Coach, specializing in Making Money on the Internet. Web master of "Wealth In Mind" http://wealthinmind.com and Publisher of the "Achieving Success & Wealth" mailto:subscribe@wealthinmind.com.

Creating Connections: Making Your Business Truly Multimedia

Written by Mary Wheeler

Continued from page 1

* More and more merchants are integrating their physical store locations and their Websites, so thatrepparttar two aren't separate selling points forrepparttar 121922 company, but rather work together to make profits. These kinds of systems lead to more sales and greater customer satisfaction.

* Innovative businesses are combiningrepparttar 121923 power ofrepparttar 121924 Internet withrepparttar 121925 ease and popularity of television to create new interactive media. With these systems, a person who is watching TV can use a wireless mouse to find out more about a product that he or she sees, including how much it costs andrepparttar 121926 closest place to buy it, all based uponrepparttar 121927 viewer's individual information and location.

These examples help show thatrepparttar 121928 future ofrepparttar 121929 Internet is going to be based uponrepparttar 121930 innovative ways that it is combined with media with which we are already familiar. As business "entrepreneurs," we should keep a close eye on these kinds of developments, so that we don't get left behind.

Mary Wheeler takes the time to help her clients understand the nuances of new Internet services and technologies. To find out more about an exciting new opportunity involving the first dot-tv company, please visit her Website at http://www.121.tv/marywheeler or email her at mailto:MaryWheeler@121.tv

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