Who should win the Oscar?

Written by graham and julie

Continued from page 1

When you accept your role as an actor onrepparttar world stage then you have no one to compete with but yourself. When you accept that you are an unique individual, with your own skills and abilities, there is no need to compete with anyone. You just need to evolve your uniqueness. You, after all, have something important and great to giverepparttar 109937 world so why try and be like someone else. Why try to mimic their role?

In a film or a play each actor concentrates on delivering their role to berepparttar 109938 best of their ability. Life is no different. To ensure you have a successful life all you need to do is concentrate on your role and deliver, torepparttar 109939 best of your ability. To be a great person you just need to produce a great performance. You haverepparttar 109940 skills and knowledge all you need isrepparttar 109941 courage to deliver.

When you go for it, you will be successful and, who knows, maybe next year, you will be nominated forrepparttar 109942 Oscar in Life performance.

Good Luck.

Graham and Julie www.desktop-meditation.com

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Kurt Cobain

Written by Jennifer

Continued from page 1
It all goes back to that night I was determined to leave this world. My wife Courtney was an individual with an ungodly amount of drug connections. She had connections to many other illegal things as well. As many drugs that she has seen, she disagrees with doing them. So here I am with every connection to anything that you could possibly think of. I had great access to a lot of mind deranging drugs. Craving to be happy, I thoughtrepparttar drugs would solve my problem. As a result I started thinking about things in a different respect to life and became very depressed. After a few hours of contemplating about what my past had consisted of my depression grew increasingly worse than before. I remembered there was one thing that made me happy. I was digging through an old dusty box that had held what I was looking for, a picture of my parents before they decided to divorce. To my surprise I did not find a picture, but much more, I foundrepparttar 109936 gun that I figured would save me from myself. If I could have changed things I never would have chose to dorepparttar 109937 things that I did. I made many mistakes in my life, ones that cannot be taken back or forgotten about. It would be impossible to erase my past. It would be for anyone. Your past is there with you forrepparttar 109938 rest of your life and that is something you yourself cannot change. With a few unwanted exceptions, my life was going great for me. I had everything that anybody could ever dream about. The fact inrepparttar 109939 matter is I let a few bad things drag me down from being happy like I should have.


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