Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? ©

Written by Deborah Cole Micek

Continued from page 1

He refused to do anything differently fromrepparttar way he ran his previous company. Allrepparttar 103973 systems and forms and strategies that were keepingrepparttar 103974 million-dollar franchise running effectively were tossed aside as "frivolous" and an "unnecessary" waste of time.

When cash flow started freezing up, Egor knew just what to do —repparttar 103975 same thing that everyone does when cash is tight: cut costs; sell equipment; reduce employee hours; do more work yourself; work harder and longer; fire adminstrative staff that just moved paper around.

Inrepparttar 103976 end ... Essentially, he continued to run this new, million-dollar, already-established business exactlyrepparttar 103977 same as he did his mom-and-pop operation. Likewise, he ran this new business right intorepparttar 103978 ground, just as he did with his other business, in a staggering, record-breaking six months!

Egor's accounts were completely drained within a year. He owed vendors large sums of money, and he started losing customers after they began to experiencerepparttar 103979 results of allrepparttar 103980 cutbacks.

Coaching Corner - Learn & Apply to Your Life: Learning from other people's mistakes, and applyingrepparttar 103981 success secrets gleaned from these two case studies to your small business decisions can dramatically cut your learning time in half, while ensuring you don't get into a business forrepparttar 103982 wrong reasons.

Have you considered buying a business, but not sure whether you've developed your own leadership and business skills far enough in order to ensurerepparttar 103983 business is successful? Do you haverepparttar 103984 truth-accepting, leadership-mindset orrepparttar 103985 ego-driven, follower mindset?

As you readrepparttar 103986 above two case studies of two different people who boughtrepparttar 103987 same type of franchise business, with all things being equal — exceptrepparttar 103988 business owners — who did you find yourself identifying with? Business Owner #1, Vera Truthe, or Business Owner #2, Egor Egoiste?

Did anything jolt your mindset prompting you to re-evaluaterepparttar 103989 strategies for success you have in your existing business?

You could buyrepparttar 103990 most systems-driven business, and still lose your shirt inrepparttar 103991 small business world if you're not willing to acceptrepparttar 103992 systems set up that maderepparttar 103993 business successful inrepparttar 103994 first place. Otherwise, you may have access to a better system - but if you don't userepparttar 103995 tools and systems in place, you're simply asking for trouble.

Summing it up for you ...

Essentially, Vera confronted her lack of knowledge in certain areas, and realized she didn't know what she didn't know — until her coach revealed secrets to running a million-dollar operation. She quickly realized how she needed to do dramatically different things in vastly different ways compared torepparttar 103996 mom-and-pop business she successfully ran before. By learning everything she could from people who went before her successfully, she gave herself a unique advantage to ensure her success.

Whereas, Egor insists that he knows what to do, it's just a matter of bad luck and other people deceiving him, versus acknowledging that all he's doing is deceiving himself. While Egor thought he was saving money by selling equipment and laying off staff, he was actually reducing efficiency that created a hole in his profit-generating business bucket. This hole quickly grew larger and largerrepparttar 103997 more he tried to do everything himself.

If you think you're buying a franchise or an existing business to "escape" fromrepparttar 103998 necessary learning that must transpire for you to reach millionaire status, think again.

If you're not willing to work diligently and persistently forrepparttar 103999 first two years in a start-up company, then you had better walk away from what seems like a fantastic, problem solving opportunity.

And, if you insist on doingrepparttar 104000 same things you've always done in your business, while wanting a different end result, you may want to check in with your local psychologist, because she'll tell you that'srepparttar 104001 definition of insanity. (I even have her number so you can confirm this fact.)

But, if you're willing to admit you don't know what you don't know, and you're willing to do what it takes to reachrepparttar 104002 next level in your business, even if it means doing things dramatically different, then you're onrepparttar 104003 path to massive success in anything you touch.

Withrepparttar 104004 right tools, proven strategies, a high level of determination, and partnering with a seasoned coach who successfully gets results withrepparttar 104005 right players, you'll gain results in record time.

The Bottom Line: In order to achieverepparttar 104006 next level of financial success you aspire to, whether it's to be a millionaire or a multimillionaire, you must be willing to do things you've never done before.

© Copyright 1999-2004 by RPM Success Group ®, All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form withoutrepparttar 104007 express written consent of RPM Success Group ® is prohibited. You may use this article/post in it's entirety as an RSS feed without previous permission, so long as it is published in it's entirety with all copyright notices. Call RPM Success Group toll free at 888-334-8151 for offline reprint permissions, or by email editor@rpmsuccess.com.

Deborah Cole Micek and her partner John-Paul Micek are Business Growth Coaches. They specialize in helping small business owners, achieve profit-doubling growth in less time than it would take to do on your own. Through their strategic coaching programs of the www.BusinessOwnersCoachingClub.com you're guaranteed to reach more goals in 12-months than most owners do in a decade. You can reach Deborah at Deb@RPMsuccess.com or (888) 334-8151.

The Growing Trend in Business Networking

Written by Andrea Pellettiere

Continued from page 1
The authors take a very hands on approach to translatingrepparttar "Five Keys" (strength, credibility, diversity, relevance and number) into a practical plan of action. This publication shows you not only how to increaserepparttar 103972 quality and number of your connections, but also shows you how to develop an online presence that will bring connections to you.
Because online networking has come to prominence as a business building activity fairly recently, there is not a whole lot of material available on this topic. In this sense,repparttar 103973 "Five Keys" is a trailblazer andrepparttar 103974 authors pioneers in a new and exciting arena. The only thing that I thought this e-book could use, sincerepparttar 103975 publication is already so rich in practical examples, was some actual case comparisons and pointers about how to build a compelling online profile.
As a small business owner with limited time and budget, I have found online networking to be a significant asset to my company. "The Five Keys to Building Relationships Online" has helped me to create a powerful business model that is beginning to yield tangible results.
If you are willing to investrepparttar 103976 time and effort intorepparttar 103977 relationship building process and are looking for a way to tap intorepparttar 103978 enormous potential of online networking,repparttar 103979 "Five Keys to Building Relationships Online" won't disappoint you. I give it an unequivocal 9 out of 10.

For more information about "The Five Keys to Building Business Relationships Online." please visit www.onlinebusinessnetworks.com

Andrea is an avid networker, a successful small business owner and the founder of Eleganza Meetings, Events & Conferences Inc. She is also the author of All About Small Business,a website for small business owners.

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