Who The Bleep Are You, Anyway?

Written by Steve Gillman

Continued from page 1

Open your eyes and look around you. Are you those things? Maybe it you feel pain when your favorite chair breaks, as though it were you. But you're not that chair. Ask yourself which of these things you own are you. "Am I this?"

Close your eyes and say your name. Do you feel a sense of identity? What if you had no name? Ask "Am I really..." and say your name again. What'srepparttar honest answer? If this one is tough, say "I am..." and insert any other name. Notice how when you call yourself by another name, you feel differently. Your name-identity is a collection of ideas, something seen differently by you and others.

As feelings arise, ask "Am I this fear?.. this pain, desire, sadness, pleasure, anger? Your feelings are not you - they just pass through you. Your clothes, your body, your reputation - none of it is your true self-identity.

Do this meditation for twenty minutes, then take a deep breath and get up. Notice if you feel different - less worried or less attached to things, feelings and thoughts. Dorepparttar 142726 meditation as often as necessary, to remind you of what you are not.

Steve Gillman has meditated and studied meditation for over twenty years. You can visit his website, and subscribe to The Meditation Newsletter at: http://www.TheMeditationSite.com/newsletter.html

Don't Forget These Memory Tricks

Written by Steve Gillman

Continued from page 1

Some Other Memory Tricks

Tell yourself to remember. When you learn a person's name, for example, tell yourself, "remember that". This signals your unconscious mind to rank this input as more important.

Know WHY you want to remember something, and HOW you'll remember it. To remember a person, for example, ask why they'll be important to you inrepparttar future, imagine where you'll see them next, and connect that to anything you notice about them. Seeingrepparttar 142725 importance of remembering really helps, and additional associations (where you expect to seerepparttar 142726 person next) setrepparttar 142727 memory more firmly in your brain.

Do you ever forget where you put your car keys? You've probably tried retracing your steps, at least doing it in your imagination. This can work well, but even better is to preventrepparttar 142728 forgetting beforehand. When you setrepparttar 142729 keys onrepparttar 142730 chair, see yourself walking in and settingrepparttar 142731 keys onrepparttar 142732 chair. You won't forget where they are.

There are many more of these memory tricks. If you want them to be useful, though, don't just read about them. Make a memory technique or two into a habit, starting today.

Steve Gillman writes on many self help topics including boosting brainpower, losing weight, meditation, habits of mind, creative problem solving, learning gratitude, generating luck and anything related to self improvement. You'll find more at http://www.SelfImprovementNow.com

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