Who Is The Inner Critic?

Written by Skye Thomas

Continued from page 1

I can relate completely to this fear, but what I have to do is look realistically at myself from a third party objective viewpoint. I hear my own inner critic worrying that I'm going to make a fool of myself on stage because I'll forget what I'm going to say. The truth is, I have a gift of gab. I'm a talkaholic. I have no historical evidence of forgetting what I was going to say. Quiterepparttar contrary, I typically add so much more than I had originally planned on saying. If I'm honest in my evaluation of myself then I'd realize that I have so much information, opinions, and stories that even if I do forget what I was going to say, I could 'wing it.' Everything I do comes back to trying to teach people how to be happy. I'll find my way back to that goal even if I ever did forget. So, in a logical analysis, I would have to say that it's an invalid fear. There's no reason at all to listen to my own inner critic when it's nagging at me not to get up on stage to speak. For me, there is no real danger involved. It would be a shame if I let an invalid fear stop me from doing what I love most, reaching out and helping people to make positive changes in themselves.

You may decide that your inner critic is tellingrepparttar 123039 truth, you really aren't capable of doing what you've set out to do. You want to own a restaurant but you're afraid of failing. Upon evaluation you come to realize that you don't know anything about running a business or even cooking for that matter. Okay great, so get lessons. Educate yourself, make solvingrepparttar 123040 fears your first steps. Just because you don't have all ofrepparttar 123041 tools today doesn't mean that you're never ever going to be able to succeed.

Your inner critic makes an evaluation about you based on mental programs and beliefs that has been fed into it overrepparttar 123042 course of your life. If you have a history of support and success, then your inner critic is probably balanced and logical. If you have a history of being ridiculed and of failure, then your inner critic is probably doing its best to save you from any further pain. You are so much more than your inner critic's opinion of you. You are forever capable of growing, learning, training, expanding, and contributing your unique beautiful self. Don't let your inner critic keep you from giving your gift torepparttar 123043 world.

Adapted from Beyondrepparttar 123044 Inner Critic, copyright 1999, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge

Skye Thomas is the CEO of Tomorrow's Edge, an Internet leader in inspiring leaps of faith. Her books and articles have inspired people of all ages and faiths to recommit themselves to the pursuit of happiness. After years of high heels and business clothes, she is currently enjoying working from home in her pajamas. To read more of her articles, sign up to receive her free weekly newsletter, and get free previews of her books go to www.TomorrowsEdge.net.

Embracing Change

Written by Daniel N. Brown

Continued from page 1

If you truly want to enjoyrepparttar abundant and prosperous Christian life you must embrace change. Life is all about change and there is no escaping it.

Who wants to experience a life without a challenge anyway? Be honest. How bored would you be with nothing to strive toward? For me personally, I love change. I get bored easily withrepparttar 123038 same ole, same ole. Lord, give me something new!

I believe people arerepparttar 123039 most happy when they are working toward a goal. That’s why it is said that success is not a destination to be reached. Success isrepparttar 123040 journey! And alongrepparttar 123041 journey there will be change.

God wants you to prosper! But you will not prosper sitting around fearingrepparttar 123042 inevitable, which is “change.” It’s coming. Don’t wait for it! Go after it before it comes after you! Be ahead ofrepparttar 123043 curve instead of behind it. Seek change, expect it, prepare for it and prosper.

Daniel N. Brown is the publisher of the "Living the Abundant and Prosperous Christian Life" Newsletter. A free weekly publication that teaches how to live the abundant and prosperous Christian life. Receieve a free copy of Dan's 14 page report entitled, "5 Biblical Keys to Outrageous Prosperity," when you sign up. www.secretplaceonline.com

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