Who Does Your Insurance Agent Work For?

Written by Jordan Walt

Continued from page 1
Independent agencies have actually been around longer thanrepparttar captive market (i.e. Farmers, Allstate, etc), and typically have been known to writerepparttar 150817 majority of commercial insurance. Captives have taken a larger percentage ofrepparttar 150818 personal lines (home, auto, etc.) market, even though an IA can generally offer them comparable, if not better, coverage. This is due torepparttar 150819 captive companies having millions of dollars to put into advertising to draw inrepparttar 150820 consumer. Onrepparttar 150821 other hand, many people never know what an independent agency even is. This givesrepparttar 150822 captive market an obvious advantage, but as people become more educated on this topic, more will look torepparttar 150823 independent segment to meet their insurance needs. An IA can obviously bring a lot torepparttar 150824 table for any consumer,repparttar 150825 real question is: Why are consumers not bringing more of them torepparttar 150826 table?

By: Jordan Walt, Independent Agent for AIC Insurance Agency: www.aicinsco.com

Graduate of Oregon State University and agent at AIC Insurance Industry.

Our Greatest Asset

Written by Gloria Kaiser

Continued from page 1

These are only a few ofrepparttar frighting incidences of what is happening to our children. These tragic events are affecting all of our children in some aspect of their lives. What have experts found to berepparttar 150816 cause of such disturbing events? 1. Many parents are enslaved by a materialistic society. As a result a large amounts of time is spent working and less time to dorepparttar 150817 necessary things to bond with their children

2. Many parents have been physically and verbally abused by their parents, as a form of discipline. Such discipline has had a negative effect on how parents view discipline. So parents are more lenient and are reluctant to discipline. 3. The media has produced so many violent films, television shows and games. According to "Science" magazine" six major professional societies inrepparttar 150818 United States," linked agressive behavior in some children" 4. Computers use is often not supervised by parents, allowing teens and children to be exposed to violence, pornography and child predators.

Upholding family values and principles, communicating, and setting reasonable boundaries are some ofrepparttar 150819 things we can do to save our most valuable asset.

Gloria Kaiser owns an online bookstore, www.fancybooks.com. She is orginally from Cincinnati, Ohio. However, she now resides in the place that she loves, Arizona, with her husband Eric and her daughter Crystal.

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