Who Do You Know?

Written by Alfred J. Lautenslager

Continued from page 1

The following list will detail at least 50 people that you can add to your network right now. This list is by no means exhaustive. It is suggested that you choose 1 or 2 people for a group of these and start making more of an attempt to put yourself in front of them. You will then determine whom you can help and who can help you. 50 -- Who do You Know – 50

1. Neighbors 2. Country Clubs 3. Fraternity Members 4. Electronic Contacts 5. Family Members 6. Former Employer 7. Former Customer 8. Current Customer 9. Former Educator 10. Scoutmaster 11. Attorney 12. Banker 13. Former Employees 14. Delivery Driver 15. Bartender 16. Politicians 17. Hobby Clubs 18. Real Estate Brokers 19. Travel Agent 20. Executive Recruiters 21. Postal Workers 22. Coffee Shop/ Bakers 23. Firefighter 24. Golfing Buddies 25. Law Enforcers 26. Friends 27. Celebrities 28. Social Organization Members 29. Doctors 30. Vets 31. Parents of Child’s Schoolmates 32. PR contacts 33. Auto Dealers/Service 34. Best Friend 35. Leads Clubs 36. Store Owners 37. Chamber of Commerce Members 38. Printer 39. Service Organization Members 40. Dry Cleaners 41. City/County Government 42. Health Clubs 43. Church Members 44. Hotel Concierge 45. Trade Organization 46. Kids Sports Coach 47. Investment Clubs 48. Accountant 49. Alumni Clubs 50. Teammates Parents

Knowing people who already believe in you and your company, people who will recommend you, refer to you and open doors for you can makerepparttar difference between marginal performance and great success.

Alfred J. Lautenslager is an award winning marketing/PR consultant, direct mail promotion specialist and entrepreneur. His businesses have helped hundreds succeed in their own businesses. He can be reached through the websites at http://www.prforprofits.com and http://www.marketforprofits.com

Easy Rules To Guarantee That Your Dot-Com Doesn't Become The Next Dot-Bomb

Written by Corey Rudl

Continued from page 1

The truth is, running two or three web sites that each target a specific niche market isrepparttar EASIEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY on repparttar 121687 Internet. Everyone is looking forrepparttar 121688 "big money" makers so, all too often, niche markets are ignored. Yet this is how I have made most of my money online!

I find a targeted niche market, figure out what they want, developrepparttar 121689 product, and then offer it to them. Easy, right? Well, it gets even better because I then automaterepparttar 121690 entire business from beginning to end, thereby freeing myself to start this process all over again.

Find a niche market. Figure out what they want. Developrepparttar 121691 product. Offer it to them. Automaterepparttar 121692 business. Start another and diversify. That's it. Sounds too easy to be worth millions, right? Wrong! There is a LOT of money to be made this way.

RULE #2: Develop a strong Unique Selling Proposition

If you have a lot of competitors in your specific industry, then you need to develop your own unique selling proposition (USP). You need to emphasize what makes you better than your competition. Explain to your customers exactly how and why they'll benefit from doing business with you as opposed to someone else. For example…

- Your product/service might cost less than others. - You may have a higher quality product or service. - You offer a better guarantee than anyone else. - You might target a specific age group, industry, or type of person. - You provide special knowledge or advice that is not available anywhere else! - You offer special incentives that no one else does. - Your customer service is better than your competition's.

Whatever your angle,repparttar 121693 bottom line when promoting your product or service is to EMPHASIZE WHAT MAKES YOU SPECIAL OR UNIQUE. Find an obvious void inrepparttar 121694 marketplace and fill it! Adjust your company or product to meet a specific need and then specialize, specialize, specialize!

RULE #3: Spend your advertising dollars wisely.

Once you have defined your market and developed your unique selling proposition, figuring out who you're advertising to and where they hang out online suddenly becomes way easier. And this means that you can strategically place your ads where they'll PULL THE MOST TARGETED POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS.

As e-business owners get tired of spending their limited advertising dollars on high priced CPM (cost per thousand ad impressions) that pull pitiful results,repparttar 121695 demand for more performance-based advertising continues to increase. PAY FOR CUSTOMERS... NOT OVERPRICED, UNPROVEN ADVERTISING.

RULE #4: Model success.

Obviously there are a lot of steps involved in building a profitable e-business. You need a strategically designed web site, you need a quality product or service, you need killer sales copy, you need a flawless sales process... you need a cutting-edge marketing campaign designed to blow your competitors right out ofrepparttar 121696 water!

That's why you'll be far better off – and way ahead of your competition -- if you TAKE THE TIME TO EDUCATE YOURSELF. Why reinventrepparttar 121697 wheel when you can learn from someone who has been there, spentrepparttar 121698 cash, researchedrepparttar 121699 techniques, and maderepparttar 121700 mistakes for you?

RULE #5: Have a well-developed business plan that includes a clear definition of how you plan to profit.

Plan to profit. That probably seems obvious. Unfortunately, too many people get caught up in some plan or scheme and don't takerepparttar 121701 time to research, test, and plan exactly how they're going to make their money.

An *idea* is NOT a business plan. It's just that... an idea. It becomes a plan when you've researched it, defined your market, figured out exactly how you're going to market yourself, and planned to PROFIT WITHIN A SET PERIOD OF TIME.


Is there still money to be made onrepparttar 121702 Internet? Definitely! With online shopping having increased by an incredible 580% overrepparttar 121703 past two years andrepparttar 121704 Internet becoming an everyday part ofrepparttar 121705 consumer lifestyle, now is an excellent time to be starting or promoting your e-business.

Think about it... The economy is correcting itself after a huge spurt of uncontrolled growth, giving you THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to learn from other's mistakes and strengthen your own business plan.

Take advantage of your competitor's hesitation at this dramatic turning point and scoop up your share ofrepparttar 121706 market by going after a well-defined niche market with a strong unique selling proposition. Be smart with your advertising dollars, educate yourself, model success, and plan to profit.

Once you've dominated one niche market with this strategy, you can start to expand your focus... or go after a completely different niche. Whatever you decide, as long as you follow a well-researched plan and test everything alongrepparttar 121707 way, this is a fantastic opportunity to profit from consumers' increased acceptance of e-commerce.

Corey Rudl is the owner of four highly successful online businesses that attract more than 6,000,000 visitors and generate over $5.2 million each year. If you're looking for unconventional tips, tricks, and techniques with examples that will show you the fastest, most efficient way to make money on the Internet, then I'd highly recommend visiting Corey's site. http://www.marketingtips.com/t.cgi/5068

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