Who's Pulling The Leash, You Or Your Dog?

Written by Juanita Bellavance

Continued from page 1

Now you may take a look at what you are doing that is rewarding this behavior. You say, "I'm not rewarding him! I don't give him a treat for doing this." This isrepparttar time to consider what a dog considers a reward, then.

To a dog a reward is when you give him something which brings him happiness whether you meant it as a reward or not. As you know, treats are notrepparttar 125663 only thing that brings happiness in a dog's life. Consider that you are rewardingrepparttar 125664 dog when he is allowed to pull you off course at his whim.

Any dog can be trained to stop pulling onrepparttar 125665 leash. There are no limits as to age or how longrepparttar 125666 dog has been allowed to pull onrepparttar 125667 leash. From what you have read here and with some patience, focus and repetition you can train your dog to stop pulling onrepparttar 125668 leash.

The bad news is that this training takes some education. The good news is that this education is available andrepparttar 125669 training is possible for anyone who can physically holdrepparttar 125670 dog on a leash.

And more good news: there is no pain or punishment involved at all, neither for you nor for your dog! An expert trainer can give you some basic steps to gettingrepparttar 125671 results you want by following a specified formula.

Mogens Elliasen of K9joy is an expert trainer with 30+ years of experience and author of the fabulous resource at http://www.PullingOnTheLeash.com.

Juanita Bellavance, the author of this article can be contacted at http://www.mycopywritingspecialist.com

Pros and Cons when Choosing a Specific Breed of Dog

Written by Jon Dunkerley

Continued from page 1

Health Food

The health food isle of one’s grocery store should be frequented quite often throughout one’s weekly visit torepparttar supermarket. Being knowledgeable on what you put into your body can make a world of difference in ones productivity, emotional state, and overall well being. When selecting a breed of dog to add torepparttar 125662 family, refrain from giving in and choosingrepparttar 125663 cutest pup you can find, do your research, and be fair torepparttar 125664 dog! Let’s practice empathy for a minute: You have just graduated from College and are looking for work. While you are looking for employment, you rent this 375 Sq. bachelor pad above Maria’s Pizzeria. The place is a dive and you know it! You are afraid to tell your parents where you are living, you refuse to invite your friends over, half of your stuff is in storage due to lack of space! Now imagine yourself as a rapidly growing Husky pup. You want to seerepparttar 125665 world, wanna run, be free, chase rabbits, chase a ball, dig in snow… Instead you are confined to a small living space, ly in a corner, overheat inrepparttar 125666 heated apartment, are subject to abuse from your owners when it is their falt for not watching you when you mess up, unable to fulfill your own instincts! I hope by this stage ofrepparttar 125667 game, you are graspingrepparttar 125668 point that I am trying to make. There are thousands of dogs onrepparttar 125669 streets today due to lack of research, commitment, love, and basic understanding. These dogs did not ask forrepparttar 125670 life that they have, it was placed on them by stupid humans who think of nothing else but how to improve their own self image. The situation is however improving. Now, good breeders will not just sell pups to anyone. They require a wealth of information relating to living conditions before parting with a puppy. I can only hope that more people will follow suit and start paying attention to where their dogs go, and who they go with.

For more great articles from Jon, check out www.web-rover.com

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