Whiskey: An Antidote For Cancer?

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Continued from page 1

The concept that a certain type of alcohol may help deter cancer is novel and, for frequent drinkers, even noble. What liquor patron would ignore this theory? But, still, Dr Swan’s ideas remain untested and there does not exist any known positive link between whiskey and cancer. If there would be something that suggest this is true sometime inrepparttar future, then it will be considered revolutionary. However, inrepparttar 150699 absence of adequate information at present, whiskey as a deterrent to cancer is a dubious thought. While we all hope and pray that an alternative treatment to cancer will surface soon, this is probably notrepparttar 150700 time to become this optimistic about whiskey’s alleged benefits.

Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about cancer, please go to: http://cancer.besthealthlink.net/ or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to: http://www.besthealthlink.net/

Advantages Of A Gym Exercise Equipment

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Continued from page 1

Home gym exercise equipment is something a little more easy to use and compact enough that you can stow it away in your closet after two hours of working out. Convenience is all aboutrepparttar home gym exercise equipment, especially if they arerepparttar 150698 shy type who could not stand to flaunt themselves in public, even in a gym. They can be as attractive to look at like their commercial counterparts, but with a price tag that is a bit easy onrepparttar 150699 pocket. They require little effort when adjustingrepparttar 150700 setting to get out its maximum exercise performance.

A first-timer can acquire and userepparttar 150701 home exercise equipment without too much flub. But as he or she gains experience, and not to mention a greater body, they go for more body specific machines that will bring outrepparttar 150702 best in (and out of) them. All they have to do is to draw a layout of his or her personalized body building program from books and go from there.

Know your self, as well as your body. Whether you purchased it in a store, or holding a gleaming member's card, gym exercise equipment isrepparttar 150703 next best thing sincerepparttar 150704 home-made dumbbells and barbells out of cement on a pair of large milk cans and a metal water pipe.

Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about fitness equipments, please go to: http://fitness-equipments.besthealthlink.net/ or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to: http://www.besthealthlink.net/

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