Where to Focus Your Marketing

Written by Charlie Cook

Continued from page 1

What you want to do is build long-term relationships so that whenever a new prospect or past client has a need, they think of you asrepparttar expert to go to or to refer someone else to. The longer you are in contact with prospects and clientsrepparttar 120310 more opportunities you have to demonstrate how helpful you or your products are and to earn their trust.

Depending on what you're marketing, you may need to establish a little or a lot of trust. If you sell major label music CDs for $17, it may not take much work to convince people you can ship them what they want. If you provide financial services and want prospects to trust you with their life's earnings, it can take longer. It may be six to seven months before your prospects will consider even having a conversation.

Userepparttar 120311 following three steps to build long-term profitable relationships:

1. Focus on your prospects' needs and wants and offer something for frëe to motivate people to contact you.

2. Contact your prospects regularly and give them tips and ideas they can use.

3. Couch your offers in terms of what your prospects are looking for.

Which is more important, new prospects or existing clients? The answer of course is both. To grow your business you need to constantly grow your network of contacts, of people who know how you can help them. Atrepparttar 120312 same time, focus your efforts on building long-term relationships so that prospects become clients and clients become repeat clients.

Do this and you'll have more people interested in what you offer and more people buying your products and services.

2004 © In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved.

The author, Charlie Cook, helps service professionals and small business owners attract more clients and be more successful. Sign up for the Frëe Marketing Plan eBook, '7 Steps to get more clients and grow your business' at http://www.marketingforsuccess.com

5 Overlooked Ways To Market Your Work at Home Business

Written by Trent Brownrigg

Continued from page 1

3) Sponsor Events - A great way to spreadrepparttar word about your business is to sponsor events in your area. There are many games, events, charity drives, intramurals, little leagues, etc... That are just waiting for people like you to give a little bit of your money to help out.

You will usually get your business name on a T-shirt, a sign, a flyer, or something else related torepparttar 120309 event. A lot of people will be seeing these events and YOUR business name. It’s a great way to drive local traffic to your online business website or offline business if you have one.

4) Blogs - Having your own business blog can be a great marketing tool. With a blog you can quickly and easily offer free business advice, information, fun stuff, resources, tips, or anything else you want.

If you have a very interesting and/or informative business blog people will keep returning forrepparttar 120310 great stuff that your blog offers. Update it every day or two with fresh info and you can build a strong following fairly quickly.

I have used this marketing technique successfully forrepparttar 120311 past few months. You can see one for yourself by visiting my “home biz tips” blog at http://www.work-at-home-jobs-iowa.com/home-business-blog.html

5) Guestbooks - There are many people that have guest books on their websites that you can sign. Most of them allow you to put a link to your website when signing. This can be a good way to bring some traffic to your site and get a one-way inbound link that those search engines really love.

Make sure you don’t just post a random comment or spamrepparttar 120312 guestbook. You should actually check outrepparttar 120313 website and leave a useful message. This will keep your reputation intact and providerepparttar 120314 webmaster with usable information. A win-win situation!

Alright, now you are armed with five more work at home business marketing techniques to bring traffic to your website and customers to your business. Get going on them now so you can increase your profits this week!

Trent Brownrigg is a successful internet marketer, business mentor, and author of business articles. He will personally help you build a secure financial future. Visit http://www.work-at-home-jobs-iowa.com for more details.

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