Where does the time go?

Written by Coach Pat Morgan

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2. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN IMPORTANT AND URGENT. If you have 25 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish? An excellent tool for helping prioritize activities is Covey's Time Management Matrix (Stephen R. Covey in his book "First Things First"). It is a simple and straightforward approach to determining importance vs. urgency when planning your activities. Most ofrepparttar time, focusing on things that are important, rather than urgent, results in greater effectiveness. Ask yourself: Do I prioritize effectively? 3. PLAN YOUR WORK; WORK YOUR PLAN. There is a cost in time and energy associated with working in a reactionary mode without a plan. While there will always be a need for flexibility, having a plan will help you maintain focus and measure progress. It can also support you in handling interruptions that may take you off task. Ask yourself: Do I have a clear plan? Am I working my plan? 4. ZAP TIME WASTERS. Time wasted can never be regained. A few examples... browsingrepparttar 103226 internet, email, chatting with co-workers, looking for things, and talking onrepparttar 103227 phone. Some ideas for zapping these time bandits are: schedule a time to return phone calls and email, get organized so that time is not wasted looking for tools and papers, use an Internet reminder service to keep track of important dates or events. Ask yourself: What will I do to eliminate time wasters? "The bad news is time flies. The good news is you'rerepparttar 103228 pilot." ~ Michael Althsuler

Coach Morgan is a Business & Personal Coach. She helps business leaders and their teams become more productive and profitable while maintaining focus and balance. She has led work groups in the United Kingdom and Australia. Coach Morgan is an adjunct professor at the University of Miami and a graduate of CoachU. She is the author of “A Year of Smooth Sailing – 12 Strategies for Charting Your Course to a Great Life” and “Smooth Sailing Success.”

Websites: First-rate and Easy on the Pocket

Written by Cal Hyslop

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initial decision businesses will have to make as there are several choices available through online template vendors. Customizing a template to a company’s needs isrepparttar second step and requiresrepparttar 103225 help of a professional website design and development firm. Web firms such as WebChrysalis.com have teamed up with vendors such as TemplateMonster in order to not only offer site templates to their clients, but to additionally providerepparttar 103226 necessary skill-set involved in producing and hosting a customized website. Developments costs are surprisingly realistic and should fit within most businesses’ marketing budget.

Deciding on a business’ online presence is one ofrepparttar 103227 most important decisions facing companies today. With thousands of choices available, website templates are becomingrepparttar 103228 medium of choice for business owners and site developers alike. Template vendors and design firms such as WebChrysalis.com are making website opportunity not only easier, but less costly, as well.

Cal Hyslop has a background in business and technology with a Masters in Business Administration and is an owner of a website design firm located in Houston, Texas. The mission of his company, WebChrysalis.com, is to help individuals and businesses look like a million dollars online through the use of web templates and expert design.

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