Where Can I Find Information About Planting Bulbs and Perennials

Written by Paul Curran

Continued from page 1

and popular white and purple flower perennials include - Alpine Rock Cress - Baby's Breath - Canyon Poppy - Shasta Daisy


- Dragon's Head - Foxglove Penstemon - Joe-Pye Weed


Bulbs, tubers and corms

Bulbs arerepparttar fleshy underground protuberances of leaves, stems or roots. Actually, "bulb" is a generic term, and some of these underground protuberances, all of which will grow into full plants, are more correctly called "corms" or "tubers." Tubers are thickened stem sections, covered with modified buds; corms are also underground stem sections, but withoutrepparttar 113367 bud.

Some ofrepparttar 113368 loveliest flowers are bulbs, and gardeners rely on them heavily because they bloom in such profusion with little care or cultivation. They are amongrepparttar 113369 first blooms of early spring, withrepparttar 113370 diminutive snowdrop, for example, appearing in early March.

Planting Bulbs

Here isrepparttar 113371 answer to; where can I find information about planting bulbs? Bulbs should be planted from 3 to 6 inches deep, and, as a rule of thumb,repparttar 113372 largerrepparttar 113373 bulb,repparttar 113374 deeper it should be planted. (Both tubers and corms are treated similar to bulbs.) Using a spade, a slice is dug inrepparttar 113375 soil torepparttar 113376 required depth,repparttar 113377 bulbs placed inrepparttar 113378 hole andrepparttar 113379 sod replaced. Ifrepparttar 113380 soil is poor, a sprinkling of bone meal is added and mixed with repparttar 113381 soil atrepparttar 113382 bottom ofrepparttar 113383 hole.

Each spring, flowering bulbs should be well-fertilized. (Use manure and chemical fertilizer.) Care must be taken to keep fresh manure away fromrepparttar 113384 roots orrepparttar 113385 bulb or tuber itself. The fertilizer should be worked well intorepparttar 113386 soil. The soil itself should be cultivated to a depth of 3 to 4 inches each week.

Duringrepparttar 113387 blooming season, it is a good idea to cut off most of repparttar 113388 buds to get bigger and showier flowers. Watering regularly is essential, and whenrepparttar 113389 soil gets too dry, punching a few holes in it aroundrepparttar 113390 plant will help getrepparttar 113391 much-needed moisture down nearrepparttar 113392 roots.

Paul Curran is CEO of Cuzcom Internet Publishing Group and webmaster at Trees-and-Bushes.com, providing access to their nursery supplier for a range of quality plants, trees, bushes, shrubs, seeds and garden products.Visit their perennials section to find a great selection for your garden

Types Of Shrub To Use In Your Garden

Written by Paul Curran

Continued from page 1

Euonymus patens is an evergreen shrub that is hardy. It has glossy green leaves and red berries. Some ofrepparttar evergreen holly shrubs, such as Japanese Holly, or Inkberry, are popular. Japanese Holly resembles boxwood.

Laurel is another familiar evergreen shrub, valuable for foundation planting. American mountain laurel bears clusters of pink flowers in spring.

Pachysandra (Japanese Spurge) is a dense evergreen ground cover for places where grass won't grow. Amongrepparttar 113366 deciduous shrubs, lilac is probably one ofrepparttar 113367 best liked. If you buy lilac be sure that it is grafted either on its own stock or on privet stock. Plant lilac as early asrepparttar 113368 soil can be worked.

The common lilac, which has light purple flowers and reaches a height of about 10 feet, isrepparttar 113369 best known. There are several hundred varieties, in white, pinkish-lilac, reddish-lilac and bluish-lilac.

Paul Curran is CEO of Cuzcom Internet Publishing Group and webmaster at Trees-and-Bushes.com, providing access to their nursery supplier for a range of quality plants, trees, bushes, shrubs, seeds and garden products.Visit their shrubs section to find a great selection of shrubs for your garden

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