Continued from page 1
This belief that children and employees could not or would not be made responsible for these primary motivational roles themselves is
basis for enormous problems that many people experience when they decide to take
big step of moving from being an employee to running their own small business or home based business. They may have never performed this role in their lives before.
The need to avoid disaster
Having been free of
responsibility for these primary roles, many ex-employees find themselves with all
necessary skills to do
actual work, such as, massaging clients, building water-features, cleaning houses, writing ebooks or building websites. But if they don't go out of their way to acquire
primary motivating skills they will find themselves with a failed business.
Do you have what it takes?
Do you have these skills? Do you have
ready ability to:
· self-motivate everyday, through thick or thin, · discipline yourself and your workload whether you feel like it or not; · set direction, business plans, marketing plans, weekly and daily goals and tasks and stick to that during every half-hour block of
day; · create and maintain focus without there being anyone looking over your shoulder; · day in, day out, on and on with no-one knowing whether you are doing that or not.
Equality of responsibility has only in more recent decades become something people have considered valuable within certain, more entrepreneurial fields. And it only works where
responsibility for self is taught and promoted, obviously because that is what is needed, yet largely missing.
Skills you need to acquire to fill your boss's shoes
employer-employee relationship is still largely based on an 'us and them' belief system. So, if you are moving from employee to owner-manager let's make sure you will have what it takes to provide your home business with
Click here for checklist -
· self-motivation - I want · self discipline - I will · pain and pleasure incentives - carrot and stick · daily and weekly focus · finding your weak spot:
thing you deny needs to happen, or be done.
Other resources:
Upgrade your self-directorial skills and knowledge with this easy-to-use, free, quick-bytes newsletter: Business Nous for Struggling Achievers.
Copyright 2005

WANTED: Procrastinators, and struggling achievers. Raven H has written the Habitual Success series: A Guide For Struggling Achievers. FREE Details: FREE Newsletter to keep your knowledge & focus up-to-date - FREE Web Feed for your quick-byte, continuous learning -