When the Seas of Life Get Stormy, Use These Tips to Ride the Waves to Run and Happiness

Written by Susan Dunn, M.A., the EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

You have to be able to TENDER. When a ship can't get up to a harbor, it anchors and then sends people ashore on smaller boats. To tender in your own situation, you need to use creativity. How else can you get where you need to get when Plan A didn't work out?

Passing MUSTER is also essential. Muster is an emergency plan. It means putting on your life vest and reporting to your assigned muster station. This is practiced in calm times so you'll 'knowrepparttar drill'. Having been through it in a calm and rational time, presumably in a state of panic your body will remember while your mind is flooded with emotion, and you'll get where you need to get. Do you know whererepparttar 123760 muster station is? Practice in quiet times. You'll needrepparttar 123761 knowledge in emergencies.

What ship doesn’t encounter WINDS OF CHANGE. Winds are always blowing in a transition. It's typical to experience ambivalence, wantingrepparttar 123762 thing that's gone, wanting to move forward, fear ofrepparttar 123763 unknown, survivor guilt, confusion, joy, sadness, anticipation. Today you're glad you gotrepparttar 123764 promotion and ready to go, tomorrow you dreadrepparttar 123765 new responsiblity, doubt you can handle it, and mournrepparttar 123766 changed relationships. The winds can toss you about withoutrepparttar 123767 anchor of your Personal Power and your Stabilizers.

Stormy seas have WAVES. It mattersrepparttar 123768 size ofrepparttar 123769 adversity, andrepparttar 123770 succession of adverse events. One large wave can really knock you over. So can a rapid succession of smaller waves. 60' waves routinely roll in slowly, one by one inrepparttar 123771 Pacific, causing no problem, but a rapid succession of 30' waves sankrepparttar 123772 Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior. It had no time to recover, to right itself. Depending uponrepparttar 123773 relative size of your craft andrepparttar 123774 size ofrepparttar 123775 wave, it's best to turn and facerepparttar 123776 wave rather than taking it broadside. Turn and face your problems head-on; it will be easier inrepparttar 123777 long run. There’s nothing worse than getting side-swiped. The trench ofrepparttar 123778 wave is how it effects you - it may look like just a house your leaving to someone else, but to you it's your memories and your home. Learn about you, learn aboutrepparttar 123779 waves.

Study transitions. Processing one transition and learning good coping strategies builds resilience and helps you handlerepparttar 123780 next one, andrepparttar 123781 next one. Learn to riderepparttar 123782 waves to fun and happiness!

Susan Dunn is a coach, speaker, writer and author and a regular enrichment lecturer for the Royal Caribbean cruise line. She helps clients weather the storms of transitions. Visit her on the web at www.susandunn.cc .

A Life-Changing One-Minute Audit

Written by Doug C. Grant

Continued from page 1

Start atrepparttar top of your scoring sheet and work your way down through all major areas that apply to your life. At each stop ask yourself, "Does this area add to or subtract from my happiness?" Record your answer by drawing an 'X' through whichever expression, smile or frown, that doesn't apply. For example, if your job contributes to your happiness, 'X' outrepparttar 123759 frown and leaverepparttar 123760 smile.

Remember, don't try and analyze, hedge or complicate your answers. You can say to yourself, "Well, some days my job contributes to my happiness and some days it doesn't." That's true of all of us. But you know without fudging whether your job is adding to or subtracting from your happiness on an overall basis. Put downrepparttar 123761 answer that feels right. It will almost always be on target.

When you've finishedrepparttar 123762 audit, add up your smiles and frowns. Bingo. You have an instant picture of your life...happy or not.

You could use a far more complicated audit with a lot of personal type questions. But I can almost guaranteerepparttar 123763 bottom line will still come outrepparttar 123764 same.

But there's more. The audit will also quickly point out areas in your life that could use some smile work. If you're as smart as I think you are, you'll start planning activities and setting goals to turn those frowns around.


Takerepparttar 123765 Life Audit now. Remember, it only involves about one-minute. Daterepparttar 123766 sheet.

Mark your calendar for a follow-up audit in three months. If you've been persistent in working on your goals, you'll be pleased to find that some frowns have become smiles. Of course, as sometimes happens, you may also find that some smiles have become frowns. That's life and that's why a quarterly audit is so important. And withrepparttar 123767 One-Minute Audit you have no excuse for not taking it. The audit is too simple and fast.

Do yourself an enormous favor. Print out and takerepparttar 123768 One- Minute Happiness Audit right now. It might well turn out to be one ofrepparttar 123769 most important minutes of your life.

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Get more facts, techniques and information about living healthier, happier and being more productive. Subscribe Free to Doug C. Grant's bi-monthly e- zine, THE EMPOWERED MATURITY PAGE. It's directed towardrepparttar 123770 over 50 Crowd but good reading for anyone wanting to boost their life up a notch or two. Subscribe at: mailto:empoweredpage@smartautoresponder.com

Doug C. Grant retired from a successful career as a nationally recognized business writer & marketing consultant. He now helps members of the 'Over-50', crowd (or any age) live healthier, happier and more productive lives throughhis Empowered Maturity Web Site (http://www.dougcgrant.com) and an on-line interactive seminar.

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