When it comes to Menopause- You Are What You Eat

Written by Dawn M. Olsen

Continued from page 1

For instance, foods high in potassium, including most fruits, will help you keep your mind sharp while promoting healthy water flushing throughout your body (which will reduce cramps and bloating), while keeping your muscles and bones lubricated and strong – including your needy joints and your thinning vaginal walls. In short, this isrepparttar time in your life when “an apple a day” couldn’t ring more true!

Also, oily fish, including salmon and tuna, and vegetable oils, are often recommended by nutritionists for anyone wanting to keep their minds sharp. But these oils are also useful in helping keep your muscles from drying, while helping your digestive system.

In fact, everything from Vitamins C and E to herbal remedies such as Dong Quai and Wild Yam Root are discussed in this book; remember, not only American women suffer menopause – you’re far from alone. Every woman inrepparttar 114384 world goes through menopause sooner or later, and we all have our own ways of treatingrepparttar 114385 symptoms unique to us.

We’ll explorerepparttar 114386 countless ways in which these small changes or additions to your diet will not only combatrepparttar 114387 unique symptoms you’re going through, butrepparttar 114388 ways in which you can identify these symptoms quickly to lead a healthy, long life far after menopause.

But let’s talk about soy again, briefly. It’s been inrepparttar 114389 news, and for good reason, but where do you start? Many of us would buy a chunk of tofu, which, let’s face it, can be tasteless, but it doesn’t end there, and again, you don’t need to move to Japan to figure out how to add it to your diet. You don’t need to give up eating cheeseburgers to enjoyrepparttar 114390 occasional veggie burger, but adding some soy to your diet has maderepparttar 114391 symptoms of menopause much more tolerable for millions of women. If you’ve not eaten many soy products, don’t hold your nose just yet – in addition to helping your symptoms, you may find that you actually like it!

About the Author: Dawn M. Olsen is an Advocate for Better Women’s Health through Education, Recipe Developer, Soy Food Enthusiast and the Author of "Menopause A to Z - A Definitive Guide to Modern Menopause (available online now at http://www.MenopauseAtoZ.com)

Zetacap for Weight Loss

Written by J. Ratliff

Continued from page 1
There is no reason to pay thousands of dollars from potentially dangerous surgery- not anymore. Don’t sufferrepparttar scars left behind after one of these procedures. Zetacap™ can give you very similar results, without surgically invading your body.

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Jamie Ratliff is a designer / owner of Victoria Technology. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to www.victoriatechnology.com Jamie can be contacted at jratliff@victoriatechnology.com

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