When Your Walls Come Down - Be Happy Forever!

Written by By Randy Mclean

Continued from page 1

You have to realize that it is a lot easier to lose weight at first than it is later. When someone starts a diet (assuming it's a good approach)repparttar pounds will usually melt off and then will slow down as they get closer to their goals. If you are 30 pounds overweight for example it doesn't take much change in order to lose weight faster because you have a higher number of calories to drop and you probably aren't used to physical activity atrepparttar 115808 levels you would be undertaking. As you near your goal this changes. It's like picking up leaves. When you first start you can grab handfuls and put them inrepparttar 115809 bag but asrepparttar 115810 pile decreases it takes more effort to meticulously pick uprepparttar 115811 remains and put them in. Trust me, I know!

My suggestion would be to take a week off and to do things you enjoy. Eat normal and maintain your weight. Recharge your batteries and remember to be patient! When you are at this levelrepparttar 115812 remaining weight will come off but slower, rememberrepparttar 115813 leaves :) Don't take it for failure, give it time to work! Write things down, you could be eating more or exercising less than you think! Keep doing what has worked inrepparttar 115814 past and cater your plan a little more to suit your newer needs. For example, cutrepparttar 115815 carbs at night or add an extra 15 minutes of cardio daily. Dorepparttar 115816 research,repparttar 115817 possibilities are endless. You can only move ahead from here!

"Take it allrepparttar 115818 way!"

Randy Mclean has a diploma in Fitness and Nutrition from Education Direct, a YMCA individual conditioning certificate and is the author of Instinct - Master Your Mind And Your Body! For free tips and tricks visit www.weightlossguidance.com

The Role of Calories In a Nutritional Program

Written by Randy Mclean

Continued from page 1

Forrepparttar one who has either met their goals or who have been dieting for awhile I have good news for you. You won't have to spendrepparttar 115807 rest of your life counting calories! Nobody wants to do that. This isrepparttar 115808 point where you develop instinct - doing what's right for you. Your metabolism and body type will differ from person to person and nobody will know your own body better than you! Over time and a little trial and error you will be able to just look at a plate and know how much to take or how many meals you can eat duringrepparttar 115809 day based upon what you have taken. This becomes particularly handy when you are eating out. And when you are thinner with more muscle mass your body will already be more efficient at burning calories inrepparttar 115810 first place.

Counting calories can still be beneficial to advanced people as well but these are usually athletes who have to make a certain weight or look by a certain time, like wrestlers or bodybuilders for example. You see inrepparttar 115811 long run that dieting and weight loss when you study it is a science and therefore you have precise units of measurement. And this gets back torepparttar 115812 golden rule mentioned earlier. That is why if we take a scientific approach when we are starting out we are more likely to be met with measureable results. You can't argue with science!

Randy Mclean has a diploma in Fitness and Nutrition from Education Direct, a YMCA individual conditioning certificate and is the author of Instinct - Master Your Mind And Your Body! For free tips and tricks visit www.weightlossguidance.com

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