When Your Sports and Exercise is Your Passion.

Written by Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT

Continued from page 1
SOLUTION: Take lessons from a professional specializing in your specific sport and invest in good equipment. Cross training with a qualified fitness trainer can help you develop enhanced coordination, balance, strength, flexibility, proper alignment and breathing techniques plus teach you body awareness so you don't create bad habits and breakrepparttar old ones. PROBLEM: Saving time, hassle and money keepingrepparttar 135836 old shoes and equipment. SOLUTION: Replace them whenrepparttar 135837 treads start to look worn, or whenrepparttar 135838 shoes are no longer as supportive. Visit a qualified orthotist or pedorthist to find if you need orthotics. They will help resolve (foot, ankle, knee, hip, back, shoulder or neck) pain and debilitation provoked by poor foot alignment. PROBLEM: Not wearingrepparttar 135839 appropriate safety gear. SOLUTION: If you inline skate, use a helmet, knee, wrist, and elbow pads. If you ski, cycle or snowboard, get a helmet and wear suncreen. Safety gear can save your life, broken bones, soft tissue injuries and keep you away fromrepparttar 135840 risk of cancer. PROBLEM: Ignoring what your body says as you age. Losing flexibility and not modifying activity you did years ago. Some sports put too much stress onrepparttar 135841 body. The human body is not designed to perform many activities, including traditional sports. Our bodies are very good at repairing, but as we age, that changes and it takes longer to recover. SOLUTION: You need to decreaserepparttar 135842 repetitive impact particularly to your joints, to continue enjoying your sports with less aches and pains. To modify try to switch from singles tennis to doubles, from running to bicycling, or from advanced ski hills torepparttar 135843 more basic slopes. You may not be able to play three times a week because that doesn't give your body time to repair. Meanwhile, work on your flexibility and strength. By conditioning and increasing muscle mass,repparttar 135844 body is able to better absorb repetitive impacts. Using lighter weights and 30 repetitions per exercise is safer and still provides improved strength. Lifting weights damages muscle, but when it is rebuilt, it is stronger than before. You may be able to lift two to three times a week and still play sports and allow your body a chance to heal. Some studies show that exercise reduces pain in arthritis sufferers. Warming up, stretching and anti-inflammatory treatments help relieve symptoms but won't slow downrepparttar 135845 natural progression of arthritis. Nutritional supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin may also reduce symptoms. They are not miracle cures and we do not understand how they work yet. But some users swear that they help. PROBLEM: Being impatient and wanting better results or avoiding boredom. SOLUTION: Userepparttar 135846 10% rule. When changing your activity level, increase it in increments of no more than 10% per week. If you normally walk two miles a day and want to increase your fitness level, don't suddenly try to walk four miles. Slowly build up to reach your goals. Develop a balanced fitness program that incorporates cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility. In addition to providing a total body workout, a balanced program will keep you from getting bored. If you have been sedentary or even if you are in good physical shape, don't try to take on too much at once. It is best to add no more than one or two activities per workout. Yours truly doubled everything and caught herself another cold...not helpful. PROBLEM: Trying to silence an injury such as tendonitis, arthritis, stress fracture, or low back pain. SOLUTION: See a qualified specialist (these specialists are ordered in seriousness of injury) such as an orthotist or pedorthotist, medical exercise specialist, physical therapist, physiatrist, or orthopaedic surgeon who can guide and advice you along to a speedy recovery to your first love and passion. Remember you want to keep that sports file filled with great experiences. Your sports and fitness regime should provide a lifetime of adventure, fulfillment and exhilaration, if your passionate and smart!

Deborah Caruana RN, AAHRFP, NASM, ACE, www.vitalsignsfitness.com email deb@vitalsignsfitness.com

DEBORAH is a highly respected authority in personal training for overall health and fitness, with more than 22 years of experience and success.

Why my Lactate Threshold Training is better than any other Strength Training System.

Written by Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT

Continued from page 1
Withrepparttar simple counting system that I use, you can track your progress very easily. So easily, that you don't really need logs and complicated spread sheets. Your gains will be consistent, trackable and very measurable. Weight machines and gym equipment generally shaperepparttar 135835 body so it looks bulky, 'like a gym body' whererepparttar 135836 parts don't all seem to fit together. This is because in a gym environmentrepparttar 135837 machines force you to work muscles separately in isolation fromrepparttar 135838 core andrepparttar 135839 network ofrepparttar 135840 whole body. Lactate Threshold Strength Training integrates whole body movements and brings allrepparttar 135841 parts together into each exercise. Because you are using allrepparttar 135842 muscles synergistically in a concentrated effort pulling all ofrepparttar 135843 muscles into one dynamic reactive coil ready to spring intorepparttar 135844 next movement or challenge. This creates long lean flowing muscles that flow just likerepparttar 135845 workout flows. How Does The Workout Go? Generally afterrepparttar 135846 initial assessment I discover peoples strengths and weaknesses and what I mostly discover is people want a boost to their metabolism to burn fat. In order to burn fat what I want to do is target allrepparttar 135847 largest muscles inrepparttar 135848 body. Which arerepparttar 135849 legs and of courserepparttar 135850 gluteus maximus…the largest of all. So to be sure to get that metabolic lift I will spendrepparttar 135851 first half hour ofrepparttar 135852 session on legs and glutes. Don't worry ladies, your legs won't get bigger from allrepparttar 135853 leg work because we use no weight but your own body weight, with lots of isometrics and repetitions. I also have to add hear that you will see significant flexibility gains because you always go deeper intorepparttar 135854 positions as you get stronger. Because you have no machines to support you with just your body in space you will get significant core work by just holding your self up and maintaining your balance without something to lean on. The nest half hour covers chest, back , shoulders and arms but remember with each exercise every single body part is connected and working for thermogenesis and overall strength and coordination. Abs are last and don't take long because they have been workingrepparttar 135855 entire time, now its just a finishing process of carving a little deeper. The stretch atrepparttar 135856 end just feels good and prepares you to relax and be energized forrepparttar 135857 rest ofrepparttar 135858 day. It's time to start an intelligent exercise program so sign up today and make your body gorgeous! My Lactate Threshold Strength Training DVD is coming soon so stay tuned or log onto my website for more info. Deborah Caruana RN, MES, PT. Website: www.vitalsignsfitness.com Email: deb@vitalsignsfitness.com

DEBORAH is a highly respected authority in personal training for overall health and fitness, with more than 22 years of experience and success.

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