When Times Get Tough... or When to Really Advertise

Written by John Jordan

Continued from page 1

The big payoff really comes when bad economic times rebound into good. When people have more money to spend, your business will have a higher, better mind share thanrepparttar folks who chose not to advertise. Higher mind share leads to higher market share whenrepparttar 100624 public starts buying again.

There'srepparttar 100625 story of a brand of peanut butter that, due to government-mandated conversion of its factory forrepparttar 100626 effort during World War II, was not even commercially available. Yet,repparttar 100627 brand was consistently advertised. Whenrepparttar 100628 war was over, guess which brand had higher market share?

And it's in this atmosphere of free spending that market share is hardest to hold onto. More dollars to throw around, more choices,repparttar 100629 market gets diluted. Why not go into that phaserepparttar 100630 leader, orrepparttar 100631 biggest gainer?

So, when your competition rolls back their ad spending, pump yours up. You stand only to benefit fromrepparttar 100632 less-competitive atmosphere. Still a little unsure? Then set up a dollar cost averaging system for marketing. Spendrepparttar 100633 same amount every week, every month, every quarter. You might be surprised you get more results in "down turned" markets.

Marketing is everything. If it weren't, your company would only subsist on word of mouth and chance.~

John is a freelance commercial writer based in Omaha, Nebraska. He publishes a free monthly e-zine focusing on branding, advertising, and marketing from his web site http://www.brandedbetter.com. Speaking with both agency and in-house experience, he knows the most valuable asset of a business is its brand.

Wealth Knowledge & Power – Lost Secrets From Ancient Masters

Written by Eric Wichman

Continued from page 1

Onrepparttar flip side of this advertising coin arerepparttar 100623 people who really don’t care. They are after, and only want one thing. Your money. They couldn’t care less whether they were providing a service to someone, or solving someone’s problem with a “win-win” solution. This causesrepparttar 100624 real solution provider much grief and increasesrepparttar 100625 distrust betweenrepparttar 100626 consumer andrepparttar 100627 salesperson/advertiser. Ultimately it makesrepparttar 100628 job ofrepparttar 100629 “real” business owner that much more difficult.

Two ofrepparttar 100630 oldest business ideals around are Quality and Quantity. Which one do you use in your business? Which one do you believe in? If you are ofrepparttar 100631 latter group, than please stop reading this article right now. The internet would be a better place without these types of advertisers. Unless of course you are ready to change your world weary ways.

People are tired of reading ads that SCREAM at them. A few examples are:

·ALL CAPS! ·Excessive Punctuation!!!!!! ·Make 10 Million Dollars By This Time Tomorrow Night! ·Incorect Speeling!

Nothing turns a potential prospect off more than these types of ads. Yet we see them day in day out. Everyone has their own idea about marketing. Some work, some don’t. Some just simply playrepparttar 100632 numbers knowing they can always get about 1% conversion and don’t really care about writing good ads, fulfilling articles, or most importantly, solvingrepparttar 100633 consumers problem.

You must be credible. Your prospects will know if you are not. You must be trustworthy. Your prospects will know if you are not. You must be straightforward. Your prospects will know if you are not. You must offer hope of a solution. Your prospects will know if you are not. You must be believable. Your prospects will know if you are not.

You must realize… Your prospects are not stupid!

I started to explainrepparttar 100634 solution principle to you when I describedrepparttar 100635 chair. You don’t normally purchase a chair because it’s pretty, or it because it matchesrepparttar 100636 drapes. You don’t purchase a chair because it was on sale or even because you save money. In fact, you don’t buyrepparttar 100637 chair at all. You invest inrepparttar 100638 solution it provides. Remember this and your sales will show positive results.

Invest in your customer first and he or she will invest in you and your product or service. Show credibility and trust, and your prospects will be more likely to purchase from you rather than your competitor. Be ethical, honest and straightforward in your ads and your bottom line will increase exponentially.

The old adage, “The customer is always right.” Is only part of it. The customer is always looking for a solution. Provide it to them and they will thank you for it with their order.

By: Eric Wichman Founder: Pdtimes.com

Copyright 2005 Eric Wichman. All rights reserved.

Eric Wichman is founder of PD Times at http://www.pdtimes.com, a public domain resources site specializing in free resources for web content and references for webmasters, researchers, marketers, and businesses alike. You are welcome to reprint and publish this article on your site as long as it includes this Bio.

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