When Should You Do Market Research?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Market Consultant and Coach

Continued from page 1

If you’re a Generation X-er marketing to Baby Boomers, your taste will be different, but you’re not selling to you, you are selling to them.


“Collaterals” in marketing means your promotional materials – your website, brochures, flyers and things like that. You need to consider them always works in progress. Marketing changes even more rapidly these days, and particularly onrepparttar Internet.

You should review your website at least every 6 months. We expect to see changes on a website. Very few of them are static. Changingrepparttar 104653 look from time-to-time shows that you’re a “happening” place. This indicates, especially inrepparttar 104654 area of services, that you’re keeping up withrepparttar 104655 times – new information, new ways of addressing problems, new! Not old! The marketplace is changing, and consumers want you to be too.


You need to be constantly aware of what others are doing, aboutrepparttar 104656 internet in general, but also about your competition. Peruse other websites continually. You’ll find new and better ways of saying things, new terms, new services, new programs, and you’ll also see their pricing. This isrepparttar 104657 only way you can stay competitive. By looking at a cross-section, you’ll see what’s “in”. When you see something that’s jarring to you, you’ll know not to do that.

You can read rules for instance, about not having a long load time for your website, and consider yourself special, butrepparttar 104658 first time you’re in a hurry and go to a website that takes “too long” to upload and you impatiently give up and go elsewhere, you will have learnedrepparttar 104659 most valuable lesson you can.

Or when you happen to be in a quiet office and go to a website and suddenly there’s music blaring out. Be a mindful consumer sometimes and see what it’s like fromrepparttar 104660 other side.

Next time you get irritated with someone’s website, stop and analyze why. Too many graphics? Font too small or too hard to read? Too busy? Unappealing colors?

If you sell services or products related to relationships and dating, check out allrepparttar 104661 websites you can to getrepparttar 104662 feel,repparttar 104663 look andrepparttar 104664 terminology.

Do market research allrepparttar 104665 time. It’s just a matter of paying attention to what you see, hear and feel. If you really get into it, you can become almost obnoxious about it. Conrad Hilton’s wife said she couldn’t stand to travel with him because he was always criticizing what he saw when they were in a hotel. It should be like that, where you have to remind yourself to turn this critical eye off, not on. There’s a lot to learn out there in a changing scene, and it takes constant attention.

©Susan Dunn, marketing coach, http://www.webstrategies.cc . Ebook writing and launch, web strategies, marketing and promotion, press releases, web design, article-writing and submission. Full-service, consultation and implementation, advice and resources. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for free ezine, put “checklist” for subject line.

How Do You Leave a Bad Client?

Written by Leigh Sheppard

Continued from page 1

2. Raise your prices. This will either moverepparttar bargain hunters elsewhere, or make it financially feasible for you to meet your demanding clients demands! Higher prices will help establish you as a successful and sought-after consultant as well. This took me a long time to learn... but just look at lawyers... If you could afford it, would you rather be defended by a $600/hr lawyer or a $100/hr lawyer? If my life depended on it, I'd go forrepparttar 104652 most expensive one I could afford!

3. Fill your appointment book! Being busy is good for business and it putsrepparttar 104653 client in a waiting line. They realize that your business is not dependant solely upon them. "Our earliest available appointment is in 3 weeks" givesrepparttar 104654 client little to "bad-mouth" about except that you are too busy... which really sends a pretty good message to other potential clients. If I was looking for a consulting firm, I would wantrepparttar 104655 busy one! And I would wait to get them.

4. Refer them to other firms. "Due to an increased workload", "other responsibilities", whatever... you are unable at this time to providerepparttar 104656 client withrepparttar 104657 service they require. "We suggest you contact XYZ & Company, who will likely be able to better fill your needs!" Its professional, doesn't leaverepparttar 104658 client without an answer to his problems and generally improves your image inrepparttar 104659 community. The company you refer them to may be a closer fit forrepparttar 104660 client. It can become a win-win-win situation.

5. Sellrepparttar 104661 client torepparttar 104662 competition! (This one has a satisfying irony to it) Let your competitors know that you have a client that last year generated X dollars in revenue, but that because of growth in you business you are unable to properly servicerepparttar 104663 client. If you can sell it for a percentage of future revenue or flat fee, then you end up passing your "problems" to your competitors and getting paid for it!! Life is grand! :-)

Putting them into practice has provided me with a satisfying and rewarding experience inrepparttar 104664 consulting/systems integration business for over 10 years. I have a client base that pay well, and on-time. and appreciate my work. I have time-off for family, I get invited to parties, I get hugged, I enjoy serving them. I have zero receivables, I sleep at night!

Leigh Sheppard Micro Pacific Computer Corporation

Leigh Sheppard has been the owner/president of a successful computer consulting firm for 15 years. He resides in Nanaimo BC

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