When Normal Isn't Natural

Written by Christin Snyder

Continued from page 1

Upon learning this, I began to incorporate many more alkaline-based foods into my diet. I started drinking sufficient amounts of water, enabling my body to cleanse more toxins throughrepparttar kidneys. I ate less ofrepparttar 129752 prepackaged junk food and cut red meat completely out of my diet. I learned Eastern methods of breath control and enhancement. The result? My asthma and synthetic drugs no longer run my life; I manage my breathing by balancingrepparttar 129753 Ph level of my body. I no longer take pills because I don’t need them. I use an inhaler a few times a month at worst, as opposed to a few times per day, which wasrepparttar 129754 “norm” when I was only treating myself through conventional methods. Empowering myself was perhapsrepparttar 129755 best medicine of all. I no longer felt victimized by illness, forrepparttar 129756 first time I felt in control of my own health and not atrepparttar 129757 mercy of medicine.

Doctors don’t tell us a lot of these things, because it is not a part ofrepparttar 129758 “normal” treatment plan. This is not a condemnation of allopathic medicine. It certainly has its place. It also has its restrictions based onrepparttar 129759 judgments of insurance companies and what they deem as acceptable treatments. My biggest concern however comes when one branch of treatment insists its methods arerepparttar 129760 only right way. We are not all bornrepparttar 129761 same, so how can it follow that all treatment berepparttar 129762 same? It makes no sense, and I believe fully and will always advocaterepparttar 129763 need for balance between nature and science. My life was enhanced on many levels throughrepparttar 129764 introduction of natural methods of prevention and treatment in addition to allopathic medicines.

When my health was at its worst, it’s not a real surprise that so was my diet. In my teens, my daily diet consisted of a lot of packaged foods, fast food, soda and candy. I never drank water. Fresh fruits and vegetables were a rare shock to my system. I was feeding myself a never-ending supply of poisons and then wondering why I felt bad almost allrepparttar 129765 time. I didn’t realize that I was chronically malnourished and dehydrated, and that wasrepparttar 129766 underlying root cause of my other conditions.

The best offense against disease, depression, and other life-robbing conditions is a good defense. Education and awareness are essential to whole-being wellness. Buildrepparttar 129767 body, mind, and soul through conscious awareness of your choices and actions and how they affect you on all levels. Empower yourself and trust your intuition. Understand that not all symptoms are diseases, and that disease is not a natural state. Health is our natural state and many of us may have to reverse years of chronic abuse through misinformation to return our natural state back torepparttar 129768 “normal“one.

Christin Snyder is an author and “whole being wellness” advocate whose mission is helping others reach their fullest potential. Visit her website today for empowerment exercises and healing activities designed to help you live a life of joy and peace. http://www.dailypowerwords.com

How to Set and Achieve Realistic and Effective Goals (Part One Updated)

Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1

Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more powerful than knowledge". Very true, as I believerepparttar human imagination is our greatest asset. Thoreau once wrote these beautiful words:

'If one advances confidently inrepparttar 129750 direction of his dreams and endeavours to liverepparttar 129751 life which he* has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected.' (Sorry ladies!) *

* Only joking - you can have dreams too and achieve them even better than us "mere males" (and please don't beat up " Mr un- PC" Thoreau for neglecting you).

'Be true to your ideals, no matter what may happen now. Then things will take a turn andrepparttar 129752 very things you wanted to happen will happen.' - anon

That one has just inspired me as I write this.

* Summary:

Set realistic, yet achievable goals. Ones that stretch you... because we are all different, what is achievable for one person might not be so easy for another. Also, because we are all unique creations with different hopes, desires, aspirations and dreams, what goal is important to you may be totally inappropriate for another individual's life direction. I believe setting goals is vitally important in achieving what we want out of life ....and setting even small daily goals are a great help in a daily action plan to move your life forward. I find it very satisfying ticking off even small routine tasks, like paying bills (well that is a big goal for a "starving" writer!). These small immediate goals are stepping stones to our bigger goals " downrepparttar 129753 track".

WRITE THEM DOWN, because putting them down on paper makes for more COMMITMENT. It focuses your thinking on what you want to achieve, like a magnifying-glass (that's called a simile, byrepparttar 129754 way!). Doing this chrystallises (nice big word) our hopes, aspirations and dreams. They keep us on track towards our medium-term and long-term goals -repparttar 129755 "grand plan or vision" for our lives.This is most important... Re-evaluate your progress from time to time. Doing this keeps you on track to see how you are progressing towardsrepparttar 129756 "big picture". I find it extremely satisfying looking back and ticking offrepparttar 129757 goals I have achieved. ( Of course , I don't achieve all of them, but am working hard on that.)

It can be very encouraging seeing how far you have come , when you look back at your first "teeny-weeny" goals and doing this is a great motivater to me. Goals arerepparttar 129758 first step in a positive plan of action. And always remember, every great journey downrepparttar 129759 "river of life" starts with one small first step.



Craig Lock

Asrepparttar 129760 ancient Chinese philosopher said so well, "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a ... broken fan belt and a flat tyre"... er sorry... a single step.

"A wish is just a wish, A New Years Resolution is just a resolution. Goals have deadlines and arerepparttar 129761 stepping stones downrepparttar 129762 path,repparttar 129763 stair-case to your dreams." - Craig Lock

Aboutrepparttar 129764 author: Craig Lock has studied and written extensively inrepparttar 129765 field of self help. Craig believes inrepparttar 129766 great potential of every human being inrepparttar 129767 journey of life and loves to encourage people to share their individual (and guiding) spirits, so that they become all that they are CAPABLE of being. To order 'Handbook click on http://www.craiglock.com/books.html or email Craig at clock@paradise.net.nz

End of Part One


About the author: Craig Lock has written extensively in the field of self help. This extract is from his first published book HANDBOOK TO SURVIVE - a collection of writings on various subjects to help every man or woman survive in a rapidly changing, uncertain world. For books by Craig Lock click on: http://www.craiglock.com/books.html

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