When It's Time to Go Full Time

Written by John Calder

Continued from page 1

Is your family, including a significant other, supportive of your decision? Do they believe in you and your ability as strongly as you do? Things will be a lot easier for you that way. You will need a good support system, and that is best provided by your family if possible. Have you worked out care arrangements for any young children in your home? Will you be able to spendrepparttar quality time with them that they need? You don't want your business to take over your life, and even Internet based ventures can do that.

Don't forget a social outlet. If you worked at a regular job, chances are you were able to socialize at least a little with coworkers. If you are working at home, you may spend hour upon hour cooped up in your home office. Of course, there's email, visiting forums, perhaps some phone calls, that will help with some of this, but make sure you'll still be able to getrepparttar 116460 amount of social contact that's right for you.

Take a look at your work conditions at home. Do you have a comfortable, quiet place to work? While you built your business part time,repparttar 116461 kitchen table may have been fine. But now you'll be spending longer hours sitting atrepparttar 116462 computer, so you may need to upgrade desk, chairs, and office equipment. Be sure to budget for that.

Finally, don't neglect both your physical and mental health. If you work at home at a desk all day, you will likely not get as much exercise as even walking into your old office provided. Watch your eating habits and exercise regularly. Be sure to take time away for yourself, your family, and your community.

John Calder is the owner/editor of The Ezine Dot Net. Subscribe Today and get real information YOU can use to help build your online business today! http://www.TheEzine.Net

The Ezine DOT Net RSS feeds are available.

(You may reprint this article in full in your newsletter and/or web site)

The ABC’s of Cyber-Shop Set Up & Marketing: Affordable, Big League, Cheap!

Written by Diana Barnum

Continued from page 1


1. Selectrepparttar Free Vista offer & don’t worry about their imprint onrepparttar 116459 back. Tell your customers, prospects, friends and everyone else that they can also get free business cards at this place, save expenses and pass alongrepparttar 116460 savings to their clients like we do. (Clients do like to know that you watch your budget!)

You can play around with different promotions and order a couple different types of these Vista cards, too. For example, here are two kinds used with OhioHelp.net:

- One color coordinates withrepparttar 116461 website and simply statesrepparttar 116462 services; Marketing, Public Relations, Freelance Writing Services. Along one edge ofrepparttar 116463 business card, recipients are invited to a section onrepparttar 116464 website with Freebies. You can do this, too, by setting up a page that offers visitors a free report or newsletter…something from which your clients might reap benefits.

- The other card is actually a fill-in-the-blank mini-marketing plan. It’s colorful and great for wallets, desks, etc. to remind business people to regularly refer to their plans. You could create your own special card, too. Add copywriting or marketing tips, maybe some spelling/grammar tips for email, for instance. Or add special tips that focus onrepparttar 116465 industries you work with.

2. With at least one style of your business cards, userepparttar 116466 “Keep it simple” theme. Period. Don’t use fancy sayings or mottos that could be outdated byrepparttar 116467 time you distributerepparttar 116468 cards. And no he-man gimmicks or slang so you have an equal chance with nonprofits, woman owners, male marketers, etc.

3. Play around with re-directing people to your site via different URLS or domain names, inexpensive now through places like GoDaddy.com. And set up special pages (cyber-doorways) for them. For example, note these pages all go to one main site & can be tracked, reporting site statistics for later use with future marketing / budgeting plans:

http://movingaheadcommunications.com http://ohiohelp.net


Have fun & enjoy! Be creative and experiment to see what works best for you.

By Diana Barnum, president of http://movingaheadcommunications.com and CEO of http://ohiohelp.net . For more help with marketing, public relations and writing, email mailto:diana@ohiohelp.net or call: (614)529-9459.

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