When Is It Time To Stop Gambling?

Written by Ryan D.

Continued from page 1

Find a leisurely game. This may not be easy since casino games are generally designed for quicker action to generate higher revenue flows. A prime contender forrepparttar crawler award is Keno, where you can controlrepparttar 138787 pace ofrepparttar 138788 game. Or join a multi-player game of poker whererepparttar 138789 ante is low and chatter amongrepparttar 138790 players flows faster thanrepparttar 138791 wagers. As for Pai Gow, it's confusing enough to slow things right down while everyone tries to suss out how to playrepparttar 138792 game.

Our fourth suggestion isrepparttar 138793 most difficult - take part in a game of skill where you're something of an expert. Blackjack and Poker immediately spring to mind. Blackjack has been popular for ages becauserepparttar 138794 Basic Strategy will see you through numerous hands without botching things up for yourself. Don't make impulse decisions, don't let hunches influence you and ignorerepparttar 138795 comments of other players. Treatrepparttar 138796 Basic Strategy withrepparttar 138797 reverence you'd give to an ancient tome of wisdom. Play nothing but Basic. Stretch your money even further by holdingrepparttar 138798 table bets as low as you can endure without becoming bored.

Poker has never been a "sure thing" but it is a bankroll-expander forrepparttar 138799 skilled player. Know there's a better player than you out there somewhere. Do your best to avoid this competitor. Rather try to join a bunch of novices and quietly drain their money from them while you gently show themrepparttar 138800 ropes. When you've cleaned them out they'll still think you're a nice person because you improved their skills. You'll love them for giving you their money.

Ryan D. has been involved in the online casino and online gambling industries for over 6 years as an operator, marketer and consultant. He can be contacted via his website at http://www.online-gambling-insider.com.

Wear Your Thinking Cap When Gambling Online

Written by Ryan D.

Continued from page 1

A bankroll management strategy simply relates to how you are going to spread your budget across several playing sessions and across a variety of games. This will maximize your playing experience. It is no use dumping your entire session bankroll into an expensive slot machine if you are looking to get entertained for a couple of hours. Finally, manage your betting limits. Decide how high you are prepared to go and stick to it. Too many people get an adrenaline rush and cross their limits. Although you may win every now and then you'll spend far more time in front ofrepparttar TV over time.

Game Strategy

No matter which online casino game you prefer, following a basic strategy is a hundred times better than having no strategy at all. Online casino gambling strategies range from very simple to highly sophisticated. Take blackjack for example. Basic strategy involves a simple strategy card that will guide your decision to hit, fold, or stand on a given hand. More sophisticated strategies involve things like card counting. As far as slots go, a simple spin and hope strategy won't get you far. There are simple strategies like machine selection to more expansive progressive loss betting systems. The net is littered with gaming strategies so you won't have to search for too long.

Some basic but careful planning could make your experience a lot more worthwhile!

Ryan D. has been involved in the online casino and online gambling industries for over 6 years as an operator, marketer and consultant. He can be contacted via his website at http://www.online-gambling-insider.com.

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