When A Two-Salary Income Fails

Written by Esther Smith

Continued from page 1

When new mothers were asked what they would be willing to sacrifice to stay at home and work, some of their answers were:

Sellingrepparttar second car to save on taxes, ins, and loan payments Cable TV Wal-Mart weekly stops Cigarettes; a costly as well as unhealthy expense Dinners out

Some added their willingness to shop for baby clothes atrepparttar 116593 thrift-store (they were surprised atrepparttar 116594 bargains). And almost all have begun coupon shopping; a big savings onrepparttar 116595 food budget.

The latest research states that 8,500 new home businesses are started every day inrepparttar 116596 U.S. So if you have been lifting couch cushions looking for loose change, get in onrepparttar 116597 Internet opportunities but you must be open to all possibilities. When you limit your focus, you limit your choices of income.

Opportunities such as Clickbank or Payaah are two popular avenues that can set you up in a heartbeat with multiple programs under one umbrella. You can hitrepparttar 116598 ground running, and explore other offers at your leisure.

Works for me.

© 2004 Esther Smith

Esther Smith is editor of Partners-For-Profit Newsletter; always a good read, and publisher of http://thepermanentventure.com and member of http://www.l1nk.com/Y3v/payaah.html Subscribers to PFP receive a weekly diet of resources to start up, run and explode your online business. clendon@thepermanentventure.com?subject=subscribe

Learn how to start your own home business in 24 hours

Written by Ulla Saastamoinen

Continued from page 1
“I joined your program to check it out for my Rim digest ezine subscribers when you ran a solo ad to my member database. I was afraid it would be like so many other sites with offers that were "too good to be true" and was I surprised and even amazed atrepparttar wealth of products you are offering! I have stayed a member and also recommend this program to anyone who will listen! I thank you very much for sharing this great web site”. Although they provide a wide variety of resources through which to acquire or create your own products, you are certainly not limited to these resources. You may prefer promoting your favorite affiliate programs, and if that isrepparttar 116592 case, they have a 5 level affiliate program which becomes one that you will add to your arsenal. By usingrepparttar 116593 promotional tool and resources that they provide, it should prove to be a top performer for you. The site can be reached at: http://www.4evermarketing.com/pbi/pbpsec.html With just 2-3 hours work, and in as little as 24 hours you could have your own personalized online business that's ready to generate sales! There are no quick fixes to online success. It's like any business inrepparttar 116594 real world. You absolutely needrepparttar 116595 right tools, resources, and services to succeed, and that is precisely what they provide for an unbeatable value. For more information click here Now http://www.4evermarketing.com/pbi/pbpsec.html

Ulla Saastamoinen lives in Helsinki, Finland and is a mother of three children. Has been in home business about a year doing it part time.

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