When A Chickenhawk SquawksWritten by The Indy Voice
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You see Karl has advised his buddy George to get American people into a war based on false pretenses, that was never winnable and that has inspired an entirely new generation of Muslim people, that now have legitimate grievances, to radicalize for sake of their perceived self-defense. Lately these truths have been making their way to American public's ears and eyes. We saw glimmers of it in Downing Street Memos and reports of an illegal and secret air campaign taking place before congress authorized war. Karl's behavior is perfectly understandable under circumstances. He's scared to death that American people are going to wake up to news that George W. Bush lied this country into a war that has caused deaths, maimings and injuries of thousands and thousands of people without reason. And this is what really gives him cold sweats at night, he's worried that American people are going to ask why we attacked a country that had no connections to Al-Queda, no WMD, didn't threaten us and had nothing to do with 9-11, when we had unfinished business with those that DID attack us. So don't fall for distraction by engaging stupidity of argument. Stand tall and unapologetically speak loudly and truthfully and feel comforted that if Karl won't apologize for speaking lies, we shouldn't apologize for speaking truth. And truth should be spoken whenever there's an opportunity, like when a chickenhawk squawks.

The Indy Voice is an unapologetic liberal that doesn't take any crap from weak know-nothing conservatives. Wanna see a no-nonsense and hard-hitting blog that discusses politics, current affairs, and everything in between, without being married to any cold corporate conglomerate? Then click here, The Indy Voice
| | Joseph Brant and The Hegelian DialecticWritten by Robert Bruce Baird
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Could 'hide ball' campaign or technique that keeps our attention away from real problem and lack of freedom, such as 'Red Scare' (Palmer Raids) or spread of communism be taken over by anti-smoking and ecology? I'm sure people in trenches of these battles are good people who have no ulterior motive. But my question is worth thinking about on road to establishing priorities, I hope. The highest level of engineering where greatest evolution has occurred might be in field of 'social engineering' and polite political intrigue. This is one area of human development that I see no ancient gift and intent to develop into greater adeptness, until myth-making of Mediterranean patriarchs or what Jung calls 'Ur-stories'. From that point forward things have taken a far more Synarchistic tyrannical turn. The relationship of Onassis and Winston Churchill is one that I find most intriguing but no greater than Iroquois roots of Randolphs or Churchills. The Indian name of Joseph Brant tells us his father understood what position his son would have to take. In tradition of Mediwiwin Society of pre-Columbian Masons in America and genetically proven Sioux to Iroquois Haplogroup X trackers showing they are white, we have Joseph Brant who is a proud Mason. Churchill is related to him; and because Churchill was also a Druid and Mason among other things including Rhodes outgrowth of Illuminism, it gets interesting to see this. Of course, one must remember that Thomas Paine said Masonry is based on 'sun’ {son} worship of Druidry and that Adams Dragons are in this too. This is taken from respected official Masonic site of British Columbia and Yukon. “1742 - November 2, 1807 The Mohawk Thayendanegea, also known as Joseph Brant, served as Principle Chief of Six Nations Indians, a Christian missionary of Anglican church, and a British military officer during U.S. War of Independence. Brant was born in 1742 near what is now Akron, Ohio and given Mohawk name of Thayendanegea, meaning "he places two bets." {N.B.} He inherited status of Mohawk Chief from his father. A student of Latin and Greek, he helped translate Mark's Gospel into Mohawk. With help of Iroquois, he fought for British against American colonists. After war he led his people to what is now Ontario, Canada. Joseph Brant died in Burlington, Upper Canada on November 2, 1807. The story of his rescuing a Continental soldier may be apocryphal.” (6) "Apocryphal" perhaps but it is also evidence of his connection with a media spin which makes his people accepted on both sides.

Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazzine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com