What’s Wrong With Proofreading?

Written by Elaine Currie, BA (Hons)

Continued from page 1

I have seen emails and web pages written by people for whom English is obviously not their first language. While I greatly admire these people for learning a second language to a standard where they can write it fluently (not something I can do), I cannot overlookrepparttar errors. Some made me laugh whilst others were embarrassing. Publication of these errors could, with proper editing, have been avoided without losingrepparttar 100346 fresh content and individuality ofrepparttar 100347 writing. Proofreading, copywriting and editing services are not hard to find, they are widely advertised onrepparttar 100348 Internet. A little money spent on these services can make a life or death difference to an email campaign or website.

Although I try to make allowances, be more modern in outlook, take a more relaxed attitude, and so on, I keep coming back torepparttar 100349 fact that writing is about communication. In order to communicate effectively, writing must be performed correctly and there is nothing wrong in employing a professional to addrepparttar 100350 final polish.

If all else fails, I will rely onrepparttar 100351 old adage that if a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well.

This is one of a series of articles published by the author, Elaine Currie, BA(Hons) at http://www.huntingvenus.com The author’s monthly newsletter is available free from mailto:networkerhvm@ReportsNetwork.com

5 Simple steps to building a massive opt-in list.

Written by Gerardo Flores

Continued from page 1
*3 Ezine advertising. Don’t get scared if you don’t know what an ezine is. It just stands for “electronic magazine.” This is a publication you send out weekly, bi-weekly, or every other day. If you don’t have an ezine there are many software programs out there that can help you publish your very own ezine. After you have your ezine, you can advertise it for free in ezine directories. This will give you lots of exposure and tons of traffic and tons of money! I would say ezine advertising is probablyrepparttar most powerful form of free advertising. *4 “Pay per click” advertising. This is a relatively cheap way to advertise. So far we’ve been discussing free ways to advertise and now we get to invest. Pay per click advertising simply means you pay for every person that clicks on to your website. You can buy them for about 1 cent per person. So it can be very cheap. Some pay per click websites will even give you $5 to $10 to start off just for signing up! If you sign up for “plug in profit site” you can get $1,500 in free pay per click advertising! Check my bio for details. *5 Solo ad advertising. This form of advertising requires some investment. How much depends on you. Solo ad ezine owners can charge any where from $25 to $1,500! So your results depend on which company you use and more importantly on your sale copy. If you don’t have a proper sales page you will be very disappointed.

So this endsrepparttar 100345 lesson for today. I hope this information will help you in your mission on building a strong massive opt-in list of subscribers. If you apply these methods to you marketing you can rest assure that you will become pretty successful.

Wishing yourepparttar 100346 very best, Gerardo Flores

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