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One of
benefits of being an employee is not having to take TOTAL responsibility for your life. Its made me realize that rarely have I observed successful individuals complain about their circumstances. It is a major distinction between people who exhibit entrepreneurial flair and those who will always remain employees. W.I.T. The biggest issue that I have found with success is actually defining “the word” SUCCESS on my own terms. Over
years I have developed a love affair with dictionaries. You might remember those books our ancestors used in
pre-search engine days. Anyway, I use dictionaries regularly to see how they define a word. What has become fascinating about this is that dictionaries often disagree with one another….kind of like
search engines do today.
If you look up
word success in most dictionaries it will normally come up with some variations of
following ideas:
a)accomplishment, achievement, attainment; triumph, victory
And my experience has been that these synonyms promote
following viewpoints:
When you get what you want then you can be happy.
Life begins when you get X.
What you don’t have is better that what you do have.
More is better.
I find these perspectives woefully inadequate for truly defining
elements of a successful life. Until you decide what success means to you, inadvertently you will fall for one of these perspectives. The key is defining SUCCESS based upon what is ultimately significant to your life, on your own terms, by your own design.
For me, W.I.T. is a wonderful definition of SUCCESS. Football coach and legend Vince Lombardi said, “The pride of success is hard work, dedication to
job at hand, and determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied
best of ourselves to
task at hand.” If anybody understood W.I.T, it was Vince Lombardi.
I, also however am reminded of
French prisoner Papillon who was unjustly condemned to life imprisonment on Devils Island. He was disturbed by a recurring nightmare. His dream was that he stood before a harsh tribunal. “You are charged,” they would shout, “with a wasted life. How do you plead?” “Guilty.” He would mutter. “I plead guilty.” Papillon,
prisoner knew that to waste his life under
control of others was WASTE. He also consistently pursued his freedom. W.I.T.
Life is essentially composed of energy, time and space. To ultimately live a successful life would mean that we intensely understand these basic elements and invest them wisely without waste in pursuit of our goal.. The rich have money. The successful individual has a rich entrepreneurial life and lives it intensely.
Success is a passionate love affair with life. W.I.T. On your own terms, by your own design.
So be it!

Harald Anderson is the co-founder of a leading online gallery of motivational and inspirational posters and prints. “When Art Inspires, Dreams Become Realities. His goal in life is to become the kind of person that his dog already thinks he is.