What we need to know about blood pressure?

Written by Jinky C. Mesias

Continued from page 1
as well as when you are doing active activities. Moreover, for most of your usual activities your blood pressure remains pretty muchrepparttar same whether you are sitting or standing still. A blood pressure reading of 140/90 or 140 over 90 or even higher signifies that you have a high blood pressure. The thing that happens when you have a high blood pressure is that your heart tend to work extra harder thus causing your arteries to take an extra beating which may result to a stroke, heart attack as well as kidney problems. In addition, if either one ofrepparttar 138886 systolic orrepparttar 138887 diastolic number is higher it signifies a high blood pressure. Aside from that, people who have been treated for high blood pressure will still have high blood pressure even if they have already repeated readings of normal blood pressure range.

When there is not a single specific cause of high blood pressure known, such kind of high blood pressure is termed as essential or primary high blood pressure. However, in some people high blood pressure may berepparttar 138888 result of some medical problem or may berepparttar 138889 cause of taking some medications. Whenrepparttar 138890 cause of high blood pressure is known this is termed as secondary high blood pressure.

Jinky C. Mesias is a lover of simple things and of nature. She spend most of her time reading and writing poetry.

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Elderly Need To Drink More Water

Written by Marilyn Pokorney

Continued from page 1

Water is important for digestion and absorption of food. Digestive symptoms such as nausea can be indicative ofrepparttar need for more water. Constipation, a frequent complaint of elderly Americans is commonly caused by inadequate water intake, says a California nutrition expert.

Joint and muscle stiffness occur as a result of not enough water for lubrication.

Without adequate water, there is stress onrepparttar 138841 cardiovascular system. Blood becomes thicker sorepparttar 138842 heart works harder and circulation is slowed. Many elderly people already have a sluggish circulation.

When circulation is sluggishrepparttar 138843 brain doesn't receive enough oxygen resulting in headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and a loss of mental alertness. A reduction of only 4 to 5 percent in body water will result in a 20 to 30 percent work performance.

Postmenopausal women taking estrogen supplements need to be aware that estrogen acts as a salt retainer. Water is needed to removerepparttar 138844 excess salt fromrepparttar 138845 body.

Some common signs of an inadequate water intake are constipation, dark yellow urine, and dry, sticky mouth caused by decreased salivary gland function says a Harvard physiologist. Everyone needs a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water spaced evenly throughoutrepparttar 138846 day.

For more information onrepparttar 138847 importance of water inrepparttar 138848 body:


Marilyn Pokorney Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the environment. Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading. Website: http://www.apluswriting.net

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