What the Heck is a Blog?

Written by Andy Wibbels

Continued from page 1

So my updated description of a weblog is:

A blog is an easy, instantly and frequently updated website, focused around a topic, industry or personality.

One big reason businesses (especially small businesses and entrepeneurs) flock to blogs is because they reduce dependency on a web design team to get ideas and announcements online.

Developing a website for your business can take weeks, sometimes months, from shopping for a designer and doing project negotiation phase to gettingrepparttar final site launched. Developing a website can be not only costly, but time consuming.

Many of my clients have found blogs a great way to start out online while they are building their business withrepparttar 119685 eventual goal to move towards a more robust web design solution. Others have moved all of their web sites into a blog format and have vowed to never look back.

You can create a blog and have a website in less than fifteen minutes, for less than $10, with hosting and software included - and, all without having to know anything about web design. With a blog there's ten thousand less decisions to make.

Blogging isrepparttar 119686 fastest, cheapest, easiest way to build a website inrepparttar 119687 time it takes to watch a sitcom.

Andy Wibbels is a blogging evangelist and creator of the Easy Bake Weblogs seminar that has helped hundreds of small businesses all over the world leverage blogs and RSS news feeds to increase profits and save time. You can download his free special report on business and blogs at http://easybakeweblogs.com/.

Internet Marketing

Written by David Kunstek

Continued from page 1
There are many. It will take you a good amount of time to decide which one is right for you. Do you want to sell products? Do you know enough to sell software? Can you see yourself promoting your business online, overrepparttar phone, in your neighborhood, and to your family and friends? Look intorepparttar 119684 business's history. Do they have a long background with a proven track record? If it's a ground floor opportunity, can you trust and believe in it enough to make it successful? Isrepparttar 119685 business a member ofrepparttar 119686 Better Business Bureau? What about others who have donerepparttar 119687 business, what do they have to say? Will they provide training, materials, or anything else that is needed?
Once you combine all of this information, it is only then that you can and should decide on an Internet marketing company. While there are definitely advantages to working an internet marketing business from home, never kid yourself that it won't be hard work allrepparttar 119688 way. But, by doing this basic amount of research and gathering this information, you can trust thatrepparttar 119689 internet marketing business you take on isrepparttar 119690 right one for you.

Written by David Kunstek, webmaster and author of http://www.marketing-man.us. This article may be reproduced as long as a Live link back to http://www.marketing-man.us is present.

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